Remake the Best of Trader Joe’s at Home

From the good prices to countless rows of addictive snacks, we love Trader Joe’s delicious charm, but we also love to make the favorites at home.

From the well-priced organic produce to the countless rows of addictive snacks, we just can’t get enough of Trader Joe’s delicious charm. Ever find yourself craving their addictive goods but you’re not able, or in the mood, to hit their trendy aisles? Never fear—many of their recipes are easy enough to recreate at home. The following eight blogger recipes inspired by Trader Joe’s stand as proof.
By Danielle Isbell

This article has been posted with permission and originally appeared as Make-at-Home Copycat Trader Joe’s Recipes on Relish

Cowboy Bark


Makin’ it Mo’ Betta

It’s hard to go wrong with chocolate, Oreos, nuts, pretzels and toffee. We’re still not sure why this sweet snack has been deemed cowboy bark, and neither is Kim from Makin’ it Mo’ Betta, but this sweet ‘n’ salty treat is not difficult to recreate with her Cowboy Bark recipe. Get the recipe here.

Gone Bananas

1-dsc_0032The View from Great Island

Continuing in their tradition of simplicity done right, Gone Bananas has become a popular Trader Joe’s frozen treat. Sue from The View from Great Island has recreated this perfect warm-weather snack and dunked the banana slices in Belgium chocolate. Get the recipe here.

Chicken Salad

unknown1Bright Green Door

Jess from Bright Green Door recreated Trader Joe’s Chicken Salad and hasn’t heard the end of it since. This commonly requested recipe is a go-to that can either stand alone or make its way into a delicious sandwich. Make lots because this dish won’t stick around. Get the recipe here.

Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups

almond_butter_cups_08Hugh Forte

From the match-made-in-heaven blogger couple, we bring you Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups. Sara from Sprouted Kitchen recreated the cups (with a salted twist) while her husband, Hugh Forte, took breathtaking snapshots of the process. Get the recipe here.

Roasted Butternut Squash and Quinoa Salad

roasted-veggies-quinoa-salad-019aPeanut Butter and Peppers

Springtime salads are on the rise and this Roasted Butternut Squash and Quinoa Salad is the perfect combination of hearty grains and bright greens. Jennifer from Peanut Butter and Peppers has recreated this Trader Joe’s salad and it’s a spot-on healthy meal that doesn’t skimp on flavor. Get the recipe here.

Cookie Butter

creamy-homemade-cookie-butter-3Brunch Time Baker

Cookie. Butter. Trader Joe’s has single-handedly created a craze that doesn’t seem to be fading anytime soon. Coming to you from Brunch Time Baker, Layla lets us in on how to recreate Trader Joe’s addictive spread. Get the recipe here.

Cookies and Cream Butter

cookies-and-cream-cookie-butter-3The Cookie Rookie

Trader Joe’s didn’t stop at basic cookie butter and neither should we. Recreated by Becky from The Cookie Rookie, we bring you Cookies and Cream Butter. This recipe is the ultimate combination of chocolatey, creamy goodness—Becky suggests we all loosen our waistlines in preparation. Get the recipe here.

Curry Chicken Salad

curry-chicken-salad-1The Chronicles of Home

This recipe from Jen at The Chronicles of Home is a savory treat that isn’t too spicy, but full of warm flavors thanks to the curry, ginger and turmeric. It’s filling, complex and a great combination of eastern flare and classic picnic food. Get the recipe here.

Kale and Broccoli Slaw Salad with Chicken

img_5263-1Snack Therapy

Carly’s healthy Trader Joe’s recipe from Snack Therapy is topped with a sweet and spicy dressing complete with how-to pictures. It’s good, healthy, and easy-to-replicate. Get the recipe here.

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