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Creamed Honey – Your New Favorite Breakfast Spread

Creamed Honey – Your New Favorite Breakfast Spread

How to Make Creamed Honey

Give some honey a good whip this weekend, and you’ll end up with a new favorite breakfast spread. A culinary hack so easy you’d think you’d already know it.

Ever heard of creamed (or whipped) honey? Our family owns a beekeeping farm, and we use honey daily. Beekeeping is an all-consuming endeavor. Bees are industrious creatures, and to reap the rewards of their labor, you must be equally diligent. Our farm is eco-certified, which means we adhere to the strictest environmental standards. The hard work is demanding, but one look at honey, the pinnacle of natural products, makes it all worthwhile. Yes, it’s incredibly rewarding.

I enjoy honey in my coffee and tea and love using it in various sweet dishes.

Over time, we’ve produced jar after jar of this creamy delight. Creamed honey, also known as whipped, spun, or churned honey, has always been made by my father, and it is definitely my favorite breakfast treat. This 100% natural honey contains no additives; it’s simply honey in a different “state.”

The process is straightforward, and you can easily replicate it at home. Start with equal parts liquid honey and crystallized honey—though you can use slightly less crystallized honey if needed. Place it in your stand mixer on a low to medium setting and let it mix for about 20 minutes, pausing to mix it manually a few times. The more you mix, the creamier and more stable it becomes. The honey will turn pale and creamy, with a smooth, spreadable consistency. It’s perfect for spooning directly or spreading on homemade bread with a bit of butter, cinnamon, or your favorite jam. The flavor is extraordinary, elevating it far above regular honey.

Crystallization is a natural process where crystals form in raw honey over time. By whipping crystallized honey back into a liquid state, you break up the large crystals, creating a creamy, smooth texture. Continue whipping until all small crystals are gone. Store your whipped honey in a mason jar or any old honey jar at room temperature with a tight lid. For an extra twist, consider adding flavors like sage or rosemary to your mix.

If you don’t have a jar of already crystallized honey at home, you’ll need to start by getting that done. This process takes time, but there are ways you can speed it up.

Now, if you already have crystallized honey, skip this step!

Step 1: How to Create Crystallized Honey at Home

  1. Start with high-quality raw honey. Raw honey crystallizes faster because it contains natural impurities like pollen grains.
  2. Pour the honey into a clean, dry container. A glass jar works best for even crystallization.
  3. Let the honey stand at room temperature in a cool place away from sunlight.
  4. Over time, the honey will naturally begin to crystallize. To speed up the process, introduce a small amount of already crystallized honey to seed the crystallization.
  5. Stir the honey occasionally to encourage even crystal growth. This method allows you to control the crystallization process and achieve the texture you prefer for your whipped honey recipe.

Now that you have your crystallized honey – you’re ready for the next step!

How to Make Creamed Honey

Step 2: How to Make Whipped Honey

Gather Your Ingredients:

Crystallized Honey:

This is honey that has naturally solidified over time. The crystals act as a seeding agent to give our whipped honey its creamy consistency. If you want to make crystallized honey, you can take liquid honey and add a couple of teaspoons of water into it – and then put it in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.

Liquid Honey:

Fresh honey in its liquid state.


Ensure your blender or stand mixer and its attachments are clean and dry. If you’re using a stand mixer, a whisk attachment works best.

Blending Process:

Initial Blend:

Start by adding the crystallized honey and liquid honey to the blender or stand mixer bowl.

For the initial blend, mix the two types of honey on medium speed. This helps incorporate air into the mixture and begins the process of breaking down the crystallized honey’s structure.

See Also
A Healthy Take on Eggs Benedict

Blend Duration:

Continue blending or mixing for about 20 minutes. This duration might sound long, but it’s essential for achieving that ultra-creamy texture.

Stop the mixer or blender occasionally to scrape down the sides, ensuring all honey is well-mixed.

Re-evaluate & Blend Again:

Once the initial 20 minutes is up, check the honey’s consistency. It should be thicker and creamier, but not quite at its final state.

Blend again, and as you do, consider adding a bit more liquid honey if you feel the mixture is too thick. The addition of liquid honey can help achieve that velvety whipped cream consistency.

Final Check:

The whipped honey is ready when it holds its shape and has a consistency similar to whipped cream. The color might be paler than the original honeys due to the inclusion of air.

Serving & Storing:

Serving Suggestions:

Your whipped honey is now ready to be slathered on toast, drizzled over pancakes, or stirred into warm beverages.


Store your whipped honey in a sealed container at room temperature. It will maintain its creamy texture for weeks, and the crystallization process ensures it won’t return to a liquid state quickly.

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Creamed Honey – The Perfect Breakfast Spread

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  • Author: Tamara Novacovic for Honest Cooking Magazine
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 1 jar 1x


How to take your crystallized honey and turn it into the smoothest, most delicious breakfast spread you have ever tasted.


Units Scale
  • 1 cup crystallized honey
  • 1 cup liquid honey


  1. Blend 1:1 ratio of crystallized and liquid honey in a blender or with a stand mixer for 20 minutes.
  2. Remove, and blend again. Add more liquid honey if needed.
  3. When the honey has an almost whipped cream consistency, it is done.
  4. Enjoy with toast or on pancakes
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Category: Breakfast, Side Dish
  • Method: Blending
  • Cuisine: American, Croatian
View Comments (150)
    • You need RAW honey to get crystallized honey.
      Just buy raw honey from a local TRUSTED beekeeper, one pound of honey should be about $10-$20.
      Make sure to ask the beekeeper if it is truly raw… it has not been heated or toyed with (they did not put anything in it), just filtered. so there is no beeswax in it.

      Store bought honey is heated to such an extent that it kills all the enzymes ( the beneficial factor of honey)
      Its also cannot be crystallized because at that point the honey is artificial.

      Once you buy raw honey, just stick it in the fridge and overtime it should crystallize from the cold.
      you can tell that its crystallized because over time it becomes a lighter color and the air bubble can no longer move.

      Where does my source come from?
      My family has a beekeeping business. We have over 2000 hives all over central Florida from frostproof to Miami.
      We make our living off of beekeeping.

      If any of my information is wrong (which it cant possibly because I was raised with the bees) then keep in mind that I’m fourteen and I am just telling you what I know as a daughter of a large beekeeping incorporation.

      • do you sell your honey on Hernando County, Fl? If so where? It is more beneficial to buy local products.

      • The only correction I would make is that you strain your honey not filter it. Filtering is when they heat it and truly remove all the good stuff. Straining is usually done with no heating and the honey still contains pollen, propolis, honeycomb and live enzymes.

      • Another beekeeper: From a small business beekeeper, all good advice except that raw honey is not filtered either. It can be passed through sieves to remove large particles. Filtering removes pollen and the end product is no longer raw honey.

  • You have a honey farm??!! Lucky girl! When my honey crystallises, I nuke it in the microwave to turn it back into liquid. Now you’ve given me an alternative, and intriguing, suggestion. Only problem is I don’t have stand mixer (yet). :-(

    • I have been told that if you nuke honey in a microwave it will kill off some of the benefiting properties. Try putting the honey in a pan of warm water, it will take a little longer but it works very well.

    • Microwaving honey definitely alters it! Not recommended. Place in a water bath but keep the heat low to medium, not too hot.

      Another use that I have for honey is in making jams and jellies: substitute honey for the sugar!

    • When honey crystallizes you should NEVER put it in the microwave it kills the enzymes and loses all the beneficial properties to it, it no longer can cure allergies.. you cant put it on your wounds to make it heal faster…. It loses everything to it… it’s no longer healthy for you.
      When raw honey crystallizes and you want to put it back into the liquid state; treat it like a baby bottle, just put a pot full of water on the stove and heat the water till its warm (not hot, but warm) then put the bottle with the crystallized honey in the water and check on it every once in a while so the water is not too hot.
      You can tell the honey is no longer crystallized when the airbubble in the water can shoot up to the top in seconds when you turn the bottle over.

      • So I had to look it up to make sure nut you can microwave honey with out killing enzymes, you just need to keep the temp below 100. They recommend running it on low and stirring ever thirty seconds.

    • When you microwave honey, you remove all the beneficial qualities in the honey that help with allergy prevention, etc. Putting it in hot water to return it to its liquid state or setting it out in the sunshine keep the health properties in the honey preserved.

  • Yes, we have a beekeeping farm :) A lot of people have it here in my country, it’s much more usual that for example in the States.
    We also heat honey to turn it back into liquid state, but this is another great way to use it, my personal favorite :)

  • The creamed honey I bought has been left at room temperature but is too hard to spread on toast. Can I microwave it or heat it in warm water without killing off the beneficial stuff in the honey?
    I live in the southwest(very dry) so don’t know if this is the reason it’s not creamy or if I should return the product to the store. Thanks!

  • Hi, I live in Sweden and I don’t know how to crystallize honey. Actually, they sell here honey in cream but it’s by far not the same.
    Another question, can I use a beater or a hand blender for the process?
    Thank you so much for your answer

  • Creamed honey sounds like a great way to make my all natural facial mask. I’m going to try this. Thank you <3

  • I just happened upon some local creamed honey at the farmers market this weekend and gave it a try this morning. How have I never heard of this stuff before! It is absolutely wonderful! It will now be a staple in my pantry. The only problem is I could easily eat way too much;)

  • Can this be used in recipes that call for honey or does the texture change require some more thought?

  • Very interesting! Can you add other ingredients, such as cinnamon or vanilla extract, or will it affect the final product?

  • This is Wonderful to know and sounds absolutely delicious since I like anything creamy. Im gonna put my honey in the fridge right now and get it crystallized so that I can make this. Thank You.

  • We cream or cystrallize our honey every year for 2 reasons.
    1, if the honey is not cystrallize it will harder. (depending on the type of honey) Forest honey doesn’t not crystallize.
    nothing wrong with hardened honey just doesn’t spread so well.
    2, once you have cystrallize the honey it will stay in this state for years.

    It takes us a long time to crystallize the honey. Every day 2 times a day for 10 mins at very low speed 60 rpm or lower for 5 to 20 days. Depending on the amount. Right now we are doing 35KG.
    I would never put honey in a microwave, but that’s up to you. If you warm honey above 37°C it will start to loose quality. So as Tamara says use a water bath below 37°C Hardened honey can be made liquid again with this method.
    Tip, when drinking tee or coffee, only add the honey after the temperature has dropped this way you will get the full benefit of the honey.
    The colour of the honey can tell you a lot about the plants used for the collection.

  • How do I acquire crystallized honey? Can you purchase it or do I just stick raw honey in the refrigerator? How long will it take if I just put it in the refrigerator? This sounds like a great gift idea! Thanks so much!

  • keep in mind that honey left to it’s own devices to crystallize may form large crystals and you get a grainy texture, not what you want. You really should probably use a purchased, high quality creamed honey to mix with your own honey to act as a guide for the crystals. Your honey will copy the creamed honey so you get a beautiful velvetey texture. From there you can always hold back some of your home creamed honey for your next batch :)

  • A lot of the honey you buy at the grocery store has been flash heated and will not crystallize for a long time and some that has been adulterated and will not work. So find some real honey and leave it at room temps and it will crystallize if the moisture content is low like it should be it will not take to long. This is a normal state for some honeys. There are some honey types that will crystallize very fast even when its still in the comb. I have had supers that I was late getting them off the hives and could not get the honey out. So they get fed back to the bees. I get a lot of cat claw and mesquite honey and they will crystallize very fast with small crystals. That’s where they started with natural honeys that had small crystals mixed with other honeys that has been heated and all the crystals removed. you can add a small crystallized honey as seed crystals to other types of honey and the honey will crystallize with the same small crystals even though normally those honeys would create large crystals. So you really do not need a lot of seed crystals to get it started and if the moisture content is low it will thicken in just a few days or weeks depending on temps the honey is stored at. Using a blinder would brake up the large crystals but they would grow back in time so you might have to re blend it if lasted long enough. I like the flavor of most honeys in either state. Large crystals have there own unique flavor and texture. I really like comb honey that has large crystals in it. Makes a good crunchy treat…
    Ps if you don’t want your honey to crystallize and you have more than you can eat in a few weeks put it in the freezer and it will stop it from growing crystals and honey stored at cold temps will keep all there good enzymes and flavor for up to 35 years…

  • Greetings from Delhi, India.
    Creamed Honey is something new and unheard of. I am going to give it a try and also going tell all my friends and relatives about it.
    Many thanks.

  • it sounds like delicious!
    how long will it last supposing that I won’t eat it in a few days ;)
    I want to give it as Xmas gift to some friends…
    regards fron Italy.

  • I grew up with whipped butter. My mom was a ‘foodie’ before the term was coined! She knew good food. It’s a weekend favorite: homemade buttermilk biscuits with salted butter. Yes, please!

  • I have honey that is crystallized but it hasn’t become completely hardened. If I just mix it in the stand mixer for a while, will it still work?

  • Ok. I have an idea for you. Maybe try making some cocktails with it. I guess Whip Cream Vodka or just use it to froth the cocktails.

  • Hey Tamara!

    OH MY GOD what is this thing?!?!?!!?! U dont know how hard i worked to finally get some crystallized honey WITHOUT HAVING TO WAIT FOR IT TO CRYSTALLIZE!!!! never craved so bad for a recipe!! haha

    Just made some today!…awesome… just one question: how do u keep it? in the fridge? probably it will crystalize faster now with all the crystal particules blended right?

    anyways… we dont have sucha thing in Brazil so….. tell ur dad he is my hero!!! hahaha


  • Very intrigued by this recipe. Have never seen it in the store or on line. I am definitely giving it a try. Not sharing recipe though, I make jelly and jams and several types of liquors for gifts. I’m adding this to my list of homemade gifts. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Hola from Argentina! I would love to make this creamed honey. I have the ingredients, except I don’t have a stand mixer. What else can I use? I have one of those hand blenders and also a regular blenders. Would those work? I’ve never been so bummed to not have a piece of kitchen equipment… thanks!

  • I have made something very similar with coconut oil and honey. It’s delicious and a great alternative to moo-milk.
    It also tastes awesome if you mix honey and (fresh) hazelnut butter.
    Just divine. I store it in the crisper section in my fridge, which keeps it from spoiling and becoming too soft (especially in the summer months).
    There is nothing more divine that a slice of fresh, warm bread and this stuff on top of it.
    Have compassion and go vegetarian, please. :)

  • Hi, I made the creamed honey but after some days the color turned from pale white to kind of crystalized honey color. Is that ok? or should it stay white?

  • This looks fantastic. I received some honey from my CSA (delivery from a farmer) last year and it has completely crystalized. Does honey go bad? I didn’t know if I should still use it or throw it away. Thanks for the great idea!!

  • Hello! I would like to make spun honey & fruit jam. Need a receipe. I will be making in a large amount. It will be used for a fundraising project for a non-profit organization. Thanks for your help.

  • Hi Tamara….we don’t have any crystalized honey …will just raw honey work? I have some in the mixer right now….we have 3 hives and really enjoy working with them and the honey is yummy!
    Thanks for your reply!

  • You can also add cinnamon,lavender or your favorite herb to the creamed honey. I visited a honey booth at a farmers market in California where they sold creamed honey with all different kinds of spices added to it. The beekeeper and his wife told me that they put the crystallized in an industrial size mixer (they make huge amounts) and blend it for about 45 minutes and add the herbs. I did not sample any but it sounded great. I am going to whip up a batch!

  • In a shop today I saw some apricot creamed honey; also some other fruits. Do you have any recipes for something like this?

  • Creamed honey is wonderful and sooo smooth. I live in the US and the majority of honey sold here is NOT raw honey. The large box stores sell imported honey from China. If you can find a local raw honey beekeeper the better. I personally know a great one that has online sales and is doing a presale for their creamed honey now, EAST HILL HONEY CO. They are doing a kickstarter ( absolutely the best if you can’t make your own or unavailable in your area. Give them a try…. Natural flower sourced honey, creamed honey and soap …

  • I live in Virginia (USA) and I have seven bee hives and I have been searching for an easy recipe for creamed honey!!!! I have some crystallized honey that I have let “set up” over the summer. I can not wait to try this!!! Thank you.

  • First the making of creamed honey and post here are great. Maude when you mentioned coconut milk and honey are you referring to using it to sweeten home made coconut milk or a creamy mixture? I make my own soy, nut and coconut milk so just wondering.

  • I live in the High Desert of Southern California. I believe that I can get raw honey, there is a local person who sells it. I hope to try and make this soon. I no longer have a stand mixer, so any suggestions on a different method. I have a food processor and a blender, will those work.?

  • I am a beekeeper in Derbyshire UK,
    Love all the posts you have on creamed honey, however just wanted to point out that the crystallisation in the honey is generally from crops which the bees have foraged on for nectar such as brassica plant types like Oil seed Rape,and clover,this is completely natural process of the product.
    I have just had a lady raving over some creamed honey I gave her to try as she said she didn’t like honey at all, now she wants several jars for Christmas gifts, so tonight I am doing a 25 lb batch of top quality set honey into creamed honey.
    In a batch like this we sit it in a warm say 30′ position for a few days then scrape at it firmly and thinly across the top of the tub until it starts to change consistency , then it’s a laborious process with a giant honey paddle to soften it.
    The paddle looks like the ones builders use for mixing large tubs of plaster,haha,
    Each batch ever made is different as the nectars that are in the raw honey are never the same ones, this is the big difference from supermarket bought processed stuff which has been heat blasted to keep it looking clear and runny.and could be a blend from any country imported

  • I’ve enjoyed reading all of the comments about creamed honey. My husband and I are from western Canada. We were nearly 20 before we knew honey came in a form other than creamed! Now living in the US, all of you have inspired us to make our own creamed honey like we had growing up. Thank you!

  • Just stumbled across this… Add some Cinnamon for an additional health boost. I do 1 tablespoon cinnamon to every cup of honey. 2 tsp to 1 cup for my wake up tea with a squeeze of 1/4 wedge fresh lemon.

  • Tamara –
    Thank you for this. I used to buy spun buckwheat honey in Canada and it was a favorite of mine. I cannot find it any more. This gives me something to try at home now, especially since I can find liquid buckwheat honey here in the States. :)

  • I have been making “creamed” of “whipped honey” by using a starter in raw honey. It is wonderful.
    I wonder if you could do molasses like this ?

  • My neighbor keeps bees and gave me some fresh raw honey. If I understand the above posts, I can simply put this in the mixer and hit ‘go’!? With raw honey I don’t need crystallized honey, too??

    • I have converted liquid raw honey into whipped honey with no starter, but it takes quite a bit longer than if you use about one pound of whipped honey to 10 pounds of liquid honey. I just use a wooden spoon for stirring the mixture in a large food grade plastic bucket. The key is to be able to keep the mixture at about 57 degrees F during the process. Usually after about 3 days of stirring I can bottle the result and keep the jars in a chiller at as close to 57 degrees F as possible. The conversion to creamed or whipped honey takes from 3 to 10 days.

  • What a wonderful tip! Would this work for all honey? We have some habenero honey that is beginning to crystallize. Would the peppers bits inhibit it from whipping?

    Thank you.

  • I love creamed on on a waffle with fresh raspberries or walnuts on top. Its my favorite breakfast. I am no longer able to buy it but I am lucky enough to have local raw honey and have some right now beginning to crystalize. Does it have to be totally crystalized or can I whip it up now??? It’s still squeezable with pressure. Thank u, I’m so excited to make it myself and will let my local beekeepers know of your recipe.

  • If you have trouble getting rid of the crystals, just keep whipping it. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks. I would turn on my mixer, whip the honey for 5 minutes, then turn it off, and repeat the procedure for about 5 times a day.

  • I have some old, raw honey that crystallizes or goes hard and I have just been warming it in a double boiler but I would love it if I could get it to stabilize. Can I just whip it or do I need to add what you call liquid honey which I am assuming is the pasteurized honey that you buy in a store.

  • I have made creamed honey with my immersion blender. I had some honey that had solidified a bit so I warmed it with a water bath then poured it into a glass jar and blended it with my stick blender for a few minutes. The result was lovely creamy honey!

  • do I need to let this sit for a few days. I tried this but it’s not hard like butter, it will still run out of container.

  • Three years later, I stumbled on your wonderful recipe, which goes to show how enduring it really was!

    One question though; I am reading a lot of feedback from other articles that whipping or blending and generally introducing air into this mixture is a BAD IDEA. Especially for 20 Whole Minutes!!

    What do you think? Have you noticed any adversed changes to the Honey? What is the big deal?

  • Hi, I’m curious, can you use it that way in lotions? Or does it lose it’s puffy state ater a couple of days. I wouldn’t want it to turn water after a while. Thank you it looks delicious.

  • Does today’s creamed honey still contain all the good nutrients? Does it mean that it’s oasruruzed? I bought some creamed honey from Trader Joe’s and it said “Unheated and unfiltered”….

  • Help for you with oops! misspelled word Maintaining.
    Have you ever heard of creamed honey? My family owns a beekeeping farm and we use honey on daily basis. Having a beekeeping farm consumes almost all your time. Bees are extraordinary, hard-working creatures and at the same time request you to be the same if you want to benefit from their work and magical creations. And when you have eco-certification, like our farm does, it means mantaining….

    Enjoyed your article.

  • I am curious to know if once the honey has been creamed, can you process it and can it? I have a ton of honey and would like to use it for favors at our baby shower, do you need the crystalized honey in order to cream it??? thank you

    ps would infusing the honey with lavender effect the creaming??

  • Hello from Perth Hills, Western Australia. I had a customer ask about creamed honey. I googled and your blog was the best answer to her question. Thankyou. I am an Apiarist/ Bee Keeper and run Lesmurdie Honey.

  • Thank you for posting this. I never knew what to do with my honey when it has sugared. I usually just put it in the microwave and heat it, but I love creamed honey, so thank you!

  • Hi Tamara, i whipped my honey accordingly to yur recipe and I’m happy with this result, but don’t like the aiir bubbles, what can I do to smooth them that the top will be nice and flat. I will appreciate if you answer my question . All the best Maria

  • You didn’t give any indication of how to come across crystallized honey…is everyone else knowing what that is, how to make it or where to get if because I don’t. Sounds delicious but not diy for me.

  • For some reason, my honey never crystallizes. It’s our own honey from our own bees. I keep it at room temperature. Is there a way to make this happen so I can make whipped honey?

  • i recieved honey from the guy that had hives on my land and the honey is very hard n white hard like wax but when you microwave or heat it n let it cool it is the most delious honey ive ever tasted . do you possible know the proceedure he used to process it ?

  • That looks delicious! I love honey so much and didn’t know I could make my own creamed honey. I’m so excited o try this and try cinnamon on it too! Sounds delightful :)

  • Thank you, I love this. My mom made whipped Honey or she bought it but it didn’t last long with house of 6 kids.

    I have killed my Honey…..I always Microwave it to bring it back to the liquid state. Thanks for that info….I thought it didn’t matter. YIKES….off to Costco to get more Honey.

  • While this sounds super yummy, this is whipped honey not creamed honey. Real creamed honey is made from raw honey and adding a spoonful of creamed honey to it (no I don’t know where the first creamed honey came from) and then you Cover the honey and it creams itself. It’s thick and creamy and very yummy but different than whipped honey.

  • I am a beekeeper also. This was helpful and interesting. Looked for more honey drinks. All the recipes /photos were appealing. Seems more than just ordinary dishes.

  • Thank you so much for this wonderful recipe!! I just did this with buckwheat honey and it looked liked whipped peanut butter when it was through I whipped it for a total of 1 hour till all the crystals were no longer there. The best tasting honey I believe is the whipped and I use it for everything including just on a spoon when your throat starts up for the allergy season.

  • Hi I just came found this article about creamed honey. I have about 4 gallons of crystallized honey so I have plenty to use your 1:1 ratio recipe instead of other 9:1 ones I have found. I have been playing with it a bit and have a few questions. How long do I let it set between mixes. It looks nice and creamy but after about 2 or 3 days after I jar it, it looks like its starting to separate a little with honey settling on the bottom. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • Tamra do I add any raw honey to the crystallized honey ? This is my first year doing bee hives I have 2 and I got 5 gallons of honey ? And I’m trying to find things to do with it and this sounds yummy

  • hi! can you tell me what crystallized honey is and where to find it? i have raw honey & manuka honey- the manuka is kind of grainy… is that crystallized??

  • This is great, I would love to try it. Do you have to have to use crystalized honey? Can the same texture be achieved if I were to use nothing but liquid honey?

  • I just wanted to cry ! I had long forgotten my grandparents were bee keepers and this topping would be used for so many recipes ! Thank you for reminding me what it was !

  • Tamara, your honey must have so much love ? for all the work. I tapped on “sweets “ and found a superb cake recipe ! Thank you for translating. Love ? from great-grandma-Dale at the New Jersey Shore.

  • Hi,

    Can I use store bought honey? It’s hard to find raw honey in my country & if there’s no crystallised honey can it still be whipped?


  • Thanks for this wonderful recipe! I just love creamed honey! It doesn’t run off your toast, or muffins, or rolls. It is great in peanut butter and honey sandwiches!

  • I don’t have any crystalized honey. So I’m not sure how to make this recipe. Can you buy it crystalized honey? I’m looking forward to making this

  • finding crystallized honey! i have a tasting coming up and i really want to use a nice white whipped honey in a dessert. however, i dont have the time to crystallize my own honey, yet i cant find it anywhere to buy. heck, most people dont even know what i’m talking about when i ask.

    is it possible to crystallize honey quickly in a dehydrator?


  • I absolutely love keeping honey in the house and have taken to keeping honey straws in my purse. I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and Honey is so easy to easy to get my blood sugar up when it drops and it tastes so much better than the alternative. I luckily live in an area in Southern Mississippi that has bee farms and keepers a plenty. I have several friends and neighbors that have hives as well, I have debated on setting up a few myself, but I haven’t worked up the courage as I have mobility issues with my joints.
    Couple questions
    1) I bought some “Whipped” Honey that was Lemon flavored from a local keeper at a Farmer’s market recently and it literally tasted like what a certain household cleaner probably would. I did not eat the rest and threw the rest away immediately. It also was NOT white in color, it was a very dark yellow and taffy consistency. Should I tell the person I bought from?
    2) Pure honey, I bought from another farmer a couple years ago (HUGE jar of liquid with comb inside). How long should that stay good? And could/could I use that to make whipped honey if it have crystals?

  • This turned out super delicious, was so easy, and this is now 100% on my breakfast table every weekend

  • I didn’t have any crystallized honey, but borrowed some from the neighbor and it turned out so delicious!

  • Hi there. I am not sure if I am doing something correctly.
    I do half and half raw and creamed and mix together, but it produces ALOT of foam on top.
    Am I not it mixing long enough or is that normal?

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