Christmas Linzer Cookies

Nancy Lopez-McHugh introduces her favorite Czech Christmas Cookie. Meet the Linzer.

Nancy Lopez-McHugh introduces her favorite Czech Christmas Cookie. Meet the Linzer.
By Nancy Lopez-McHugh

In early December we start seeing boxes of Czech Christmas cookies in all of the grocery stores and bakeries. The boxes have a collection of crumbly, soft, buttery, heavenly cookies. They are flavored with vanilla, chocolate, jams, nuts, cinnamon and meringue. I always feel like a little child ogling those boxes. I love them! So much so that I fantasize about sitting with a whole box and not stopping until there are but crumbs left. Sadly that fantasy has yet to come a reality. Maybe this my year will be the one?

My favorite cookies out of those boxes are the Czech Linzer cookies. Guess what? Linzers are available year round and yes I eat them year round. Linzer cookies, or Linecke kolacky, are like or are shortbread cookies. Two cookies are sandwiched together with a fruit jam then dusted with powdered or confectioners sugar. Apparently the name Linzer is due to the fact that the cookies are meant to resemble Linzer Torte. The crumb is dry and they taste like sweet buttery heaven. Linecke Kolacky have always reminded me of Polish Kolacky- nummy nummy!

Linzers have origins in Germany, Poland, Austria, Croatia, Slovakia and of course Czech Republic. No one can agree as to who actually invented them. Does that really matter? I mean the important thing is that they exist. That they help me gain those few extra kilos over Christmas. And we all know that without those extra Linzer kilos we wouldn’t have the extra body fat to keep warm over the winter. No, much to horrible to think about. So people stop arguing and let us all be thankful for whomever invented Lizer cookies. Thanks Linzer cookie inventor dude or dudette!

If you visit my blog often, you know that baking is not my forte. Confession time, I cheated with these cookies. I didn’t make the dough from scratch. Hopefully you baking pros and you my baking gurus won’t judge me. In the beginning of December fresh Linzer cookie dough is also on sale at the grocery stores. Perfect for those like me that rather stay in denial about all the yummy butter that goes into a Linzer cookies. But according to Czech Mate Diary rolling the dough is the hardest part. That’s great because you can burn off some calories then recharge with a few …dozen… cookies. To experiment on some instead of jam I used peanut butter and others Nutella. Yep, I went there.

A Christmas without Linzer cookies could be dangerous so you better makes some quick. Check out, no pun intended, these links to Czech Christmas cookie recipes.
Czech Christmas cookies by Czech Mate Diary
Czech Christmas Cookie Recipes – Vanocni Cukovri
Czech Christmas Cookies by
Linzer Cookies by Czech Under Scope

Happy Holidays Everyone!

What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (10) What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (10)
  1. I like Linzers (Linecka kolecka or linecke pecivo, not linecke kolacky), but I think overall vanilla rolls or beehives have got to be the nation’s favourite. My personal favourites are either florentines or cocoa madeleines.

  2. I don’t judge you! I think it’s madness to expect to do everything for Christmas from scratch – give yourself a break! I typically choose a few things to make and then ‘cheat’ with the rest. Keeps me sane. Those cookies are so pretty, especially with the red and white. I just may take your advice and ‘Czech’ them out, heh heh. ;-)

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