Ten Perfect Spring Whiskey Cocktails

Whiskey is a drink for all seasons. Trade in that old-fashioned for a lighter, fizzier option in anticipation of a warm night.
Best Whiskey Cocktail Recipes Best Whiskey Cocktail Recipes

Whiskey is a drink for all seasons. So trade in that old-fashioned and kick back with one of these lighter, fizzier options in anticipation of muggy porch night season.
By Lauren Clason

Best Whiskey Cocktail Recipes
We love whiskey in the winter: hot toddies set your ears aflame on cold snowy nights, and there’s nothing like beefing up your coffee on an icy morning with a good dose of Scotch. But whiskey is also a drink made to herald the coming of the warmer weather, in the form of lemonades, juleps and milkshakes (yes, milkshakes).

So trade in that old-fashioned and kick back with one of these lighter, fizzier options in anticipation of muggy porch night season.

1. Whiskey Lemonade
The classic kid’s drink is all grown up. Home-made honey simple syrup and fresh herbs ensure the line to this lemonade stand will stretch around the block. Get the recipe.



2. Bourbon Chocolate Milkshake
What do you get when you mix bourbon, chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream? A milkshake worth writing home from summer camp about. Get the recipe.


3. Basil Julep
Take the path less traveled and request this twist on the classic mint julep the next time you’re at the races. Basil is as light and summery as mint, and pairs equally well with moonshine. Get the recipe.



4. Whiskey Rock-A-Roller
This might be a little too highbrow for lawn seats at a summer concert, but this Lynyrd Skynyrd-inspired recipe is a refreshing addition to a backyard barbecue. Flavors of rhubarb, raspberry and strawberry make it a real crowd-pleaser. Get the recipe.

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5. Frozen Whiskey Sour
What better way to cool the sweat on your brow than with a frozen drink? Lemonade and orange juice add a little sunshine to this classic cocktail. Get the recipe.

frozen whiskey sour


6. End-of-Summer
I know, I know, it’s a little too early to be talking about the end of summer. In fact, in some parts of the country it’s still too early to be talking about spring. But this peach smash sounds so inviting, you shouldn’t have to wait until August to try it. Get the recipe.

end of summer


7. Bourbon Sweet Tea
Self explanatory. Nothing screams rocking-chair-on-a-back-porch like bourbon or sweet tea, so why not have both at once? Get the recipe.

bourbon sweet tea


8. Blackberry Smash
Pack this plum and blackberry drink in your picnic basket to enjoy in your backyard with a plate of cold fried chicken and coleslaw. Don’t stray too far, though. You’ll want to head back inside to make another. Get the recipe.


9. Kombucha Whiskey Cocktails
The lovely combination of whiskey, fruit, and kombucha comes together in two elegant drinks that are full of life and good energies. Kombucha is sweet, tangy, and the perfect cocktail addition. Get the recipe.


10. Hot Blooded – Blood Orange and Whiskey Cocktail
The vibrant and tart blood orange juice will cleanse your thirst and give you a good ‘ol summery kick in the behind. A warm surprise awaits in the bottom of the glass, so don’t forget the ice cubes because those jalapeño slice will get you. Get the recipe.


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