Our very own Spicie Foodie, Nancy Lopez McHugh with an introduction to her “Mexico On My Plate” column.
By Nancy Lopez-McHugh

Welcome to my new column, “Mexico on My Plate” . First I’d like to start by thanking Honest Cooking for giving me the opportunity to write for them on a subject dear to my heart, Mexican food. Those of you who have followed my blog (Spicie Foodie) probably already know that I am Mexican, born and partially raised in Mexico. You also know that I currently live in Europe. My birthplace may be far away but it’s tastes, smells and flavors are never too far from my plate.
Why Mexico On My Plate? By cooking and eating the foods of my motherland I can relive all those memories, stories and feelings that are part of my life, my heritage. Even at times when I cannot find a specific Mexican ingredient, I try my best to prepare authentic Mexican dishes. Even if the snow is blowing and it’s minus degrees outside, I have a little bit of sunny warm Mexico on my plate.
There is a Mexican proverb that says, “Conversation is food for the soul” . But souls also need food, and we all know that the best conversations are had around good food. I welcome you to keep coming back to the “Mexico On My Plate” conversation time and time again. Let’s make it Mexico on our plates and together experience the tastes, smells and flavors of Mexican cuisine.
o too am in a similar situation Im a proud Mexcano and livein a small rural town in Indiana I love to cook and experiment with tastes and ingredients having to compromise most of the time due to lack of suthentic ingredients. I hope you and I can help and learn from each other. Gracias y buen provecho
I love Mexican food and am looking forward to reading more of your column! Congrats again, Nancy! Tastes of home are always welcome regardless of where we are :)
Hi Victoria, Thank you! Yes it’s always a good thing to remember a little bit of home.
Nancy, I love your blog. It is always interesting and the photos are beautiful so I am so excited about your new column. Looking forward to dropping by regularly for a large helping of conversation for the soul!
Hi Hester, You are so sweet, thank you. I am also looking forward to the conversations with all of you.
The best cook I ever met was a Mexican woman,Catalina. She made even boiled eggs taste different and she introduced me to Mexican food. Her secret was cooking with love makes food taste better. Looking forward to see what you have for us!
Hi Mitinita, My sister also always said that was the secret to her fantastic cooking. Thank you, I too am looking forward to it.
So happy to see you here Nancy and I’ll keep reading.
Hi Sandra, Thank you and I hope you are enjoying Honest Cooking!
Congrats Nancy, and I am very happy for you! Can’t wait to read and see more of your authentic recipes from your motherland here on Honest Cooking!!!
Thank you Sandra!
Well, I’m certainly looking forward to more Mexican food on MY plate! I’m sure this will be a great column as I know Nancy’s very talented in the kitchen.
Hi Maya, You are such a sweetheart. Thank you so much :)
I love Mexican food and looking forward to this column!
Thank you Tamara!
I don’t think I could be happy without Mexican food. Luckily even in PA we have a lovely authentic taqueria close to my home, oh but I miss being in Texas where the options are endless and inexpensive!
Living without Mexican food would be hellish for me. Good thing you have that taqueria.
Already excited about the future articles. love those photos.
Thank you Roxana !
How exciting, Ms. López-Hugh! i, too, am looking forward to this series.
Muchas Gracias Memoria!
Such a fabulous idea for a column. I’m looking forward to your next article, Nancy!
Thank you Lizzy !
This will be such a great series/column I am so looking forward to this!
Thank you Alisha :)
Job well done!
Thanks Christine!
Congratulations, Nancy! It is so nice how we try to bring home flavors when we are so far away from home :)
Hi Mihaela, Thank you, You know exactly what I mean .
I love the fact that despite of your location right now, you’re still faithful to Mexican cuisine! Congrats Nancy and look forward to your next articles!
Hi Alina, Thank you!
Lovely writeup Nancy!!! Looking forward for some more exciting recipes from you :)
Thank you Nandita!
I cannot wait for this series!! Love Nancy!!
Thank you Bonnie :)!
I cannot wait to come back and devour this article! The pictures look so captivating.
Thank you Sarah!
I look forward to this series. I’m a big fan of true Mexican food.
Thank you Joan!