TrySwedish Thursdays: Celebrate Herring Day in Style

Herring is an important part of Swedish cuisine. Learn about the celebrations honoring the canned fish and how to serve it no matter where you are.

PARTNER POST — TrySwedish Thursdays is a culinary collaboration between TrySwedish, West Sweden, Gothenburg and Västerbottensost cheese. Discover the edible delights of the land.

Herring from the Baltic Sea is loved by the people of Sweden year round. Learn of the special celebrations that take place to honor the pickled fish and how to serve it no matter where you are.

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Take a stroll along the coast of West Sweden and one can see herring swimming and shimmering through the waters. Visit a Midsummer festival anywhere in the country and you are sure to be offered at least one bite of pickled herring. But for a true exploration of the fish, take a trip to Bohuslän during the week of June 6th, also known as Herring Day. Join in on fun activities and unique celebrations of the delicious seafood and local industry.

SillensDag_2013langbordetLinus Hansson

Swedes love the taste of herring and enjoy creating meals with ingredients directly from their surroundings and this fish is abundant in seas of West Sweden. Throughout the region, travelers can visit restaurants along the water for a stunning view and a bite of the sill herring, canned and pickled, sandwich often served with snaps and beer. Classic creations are served on crisp breads with butter, Västerbottensost cheese, and mashed potatoes, while more modern venues may get creative and serve the fish with onion, dill, crème fraîche, and chives. Some canning factories in the area offer tours so guests may learn how the favorite herring is made, check out the Klädesholmen’s Museum, also known as “Herring Island” where 40% of the country’s herring comes from, for more information.

Being one of the most important foods in Swedish history, herring is served at celebrations throughout the year. Locals made a living fishing and serving herring more than a thousand years ago when the first fishing communities emerged. Today, fishing is still an important industry, especially on the west coast, where the Swedes devour herring in its many varieties. West Sweden is also home to the Salt & Sill’s floating hotel and restaurant, where many different herring dishes are served during the celebrated days.

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No matter where you are, here are our tips for celebrating Herring Day in style:

1. Find an authentic sill herring, soured canned herring from the Baltic Sea.

2. Make crisp bread (Try this recipe.) or find some at your specialty grocery store.

3. Serve with the fixings. Keep things traditional with Västerbottensost, potatoes, and butter or branch out with other Swedish-inspired toppings.

4. Don’t forget the snaps and beer. Snaps are a small shot of a liquor, usually vodka, aquavit, or a bitter liqueur.

For more ideas on what to do for Herring Day, check out

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