This recipe is a version of the famous classic Sicilian dish “Pasta with sardines” from Palermo concocted to make the peasant’s sardine more exciting.
This recipe is a version of the famous classic Sicilian dish “Pasta with sardines” from Palermo.
The salted anchovies, were once eaten mainly by laborers and peasants. A simple dish was then turned glamour thanks to the talented Sicilian chefs, able to combine tradition and fantasy and turn it into contemporary cuisine.
An eco-friendly recipe, low environmental impact (anchovies, like other Mediterranean small fish are easily reproducible) with the taste and authenticity of the typical Mediterranean diet. When in season, the recipe can be enriched with wild fennel.

- 100 g 3 ½ oz bread crumbs
- 4 anchovies
- extra virgin olive oil to taste
- 1 tablespoon tomato puree
- 320 g 11 ½ oz short pasta
- 2 tablespoons Pecorino cheese
- Toast the bread crumbs in the pan and set aside.
- In another pan, melt anchovies with oil and the chopped tomatoes.
- Add bread crumbs to the sauce and add two tablespoons of pecorino cheese.
- Once cooked (in boiling salted water) and drained, mix pasta with the sauce.
- Category: Main
- Cuisine: Italian
I love pasta with satdines, and I love anchovies, so I was looking forward to this. I’m wondering if there’s some sort of typo-error with the measurements or something. The ingredients call for tomatoe puree, but then the cooking instructions say chopped tomatoes. Aside from that, it says one tablespoon of the tomatoe puree. Is that right? Because the bread crumbs soaked it right up and it was very dry. I think either there was an error in the measurements, or I did something wrong. I’ve thoroughly read and reread the instructions. The picture looks delicious. Something went very wrong here though. I don’t like to complain, but if there was an error in the instructions it should be fixed before other people waste ingredients.