Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Healing Food Hacks

From ginger shots to soothing chamomile tea, learn these healing food hacks to feel energized in honor of Rachel de Thample’s new book Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas.

From ginger shots to soothing chamomile tea, learn these healing food hacks to feel energized in honor of Rachel de Thample’s new book Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas.

Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Healing Food Hacks

From trouble sleeping to a bad cough, this new book, Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Traditional and Modern Remedies, from food writer Rachel de Thample covers a variety of healing liquids. The recipes are meant to leave you healed, energized and balanced thanks to nutrients our bodies are craving or in need of. Here are a few of our favorite healing tips from the book:

Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Healing Food HacksGinger Shots

Settle a Stomach
The first recipe in the book is for a variety of ginger shots, each for a different season. Our favorite benefits of ginger is that helps settle an upset stomach and sooth a migraine.

Cayenne Pepper and Your Blood
Cayenne pepper often helps stimulate good blood circulation. Rachel offers a cayenne shot recipe that is sure to get your blood pumping.

Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Healing Food HacksMedicinal Vinegar

Swap Espresso for Turmeric
The next time you’re feeling unenergized, enjoy a turmeric and juice shot for a boost of energy without the crash that often comes from espresso. Plus, it’s a great anti inflammatory.

Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Healing Food HacksVietnamese Lemongrass Tea

Echinacea and Elderberries to Boost the Immune System
To prevent and even treat the common cold, make a honey syrup with these ingredients or incorporate them right into your tea.

Kefir is Your Brain’s Buddy
Use kefir in your smoothies or drink on its own. Kefir is loaded with helpful microorganisms and vitamin B12 which is known to help your nervous system function.

Vital Tonics and Soothing Teas: Healing Food HacksMaking Nut Milks

Pineapple for a Detox
Thanks to pineapple containing the enzyme bromelain, it is a great help in breaking down food and resetting your digestive system. Throw some into your next smoothie. The book provides a great detox pineapple smoothie recipe, too.

Relax and Sleep with Lavender and Chamomile
The book provides a few tea suggestions to encourage a restful sleep, calling on calming and soothing ingredients like lavender and chamomile.

If you’re as interested in responding to your body’s ailments with natural foods and ingredients as we are, you will surely enjoy exploring this book.

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