The Perfect Moroccan Mint Tea

Although served in an English tea-cup, Nikki Vivian shares her perfected version of Moroccan Mint Tea.

Although served in an English tea-cup, Nikki Vivian shares her perfected version of Moroccan Mint Tea.
By Nikki Vivian

I have always loved tea. The thing is, while I love experimenting with food, trying new ingredients and different flavour combinations, my tea drinking has never ventured much further than your average teabag and the occasional herbal tea.

After a bit of experimentation with various herbal and floral teas, a recent trip to Morocco really paved the way for sampling the wealth of teas available. I never thought of Morocco as a place for tea but it’s actually one of the biggest tea importers in the world. I sampled a wide variety whilst on my travels but my favourite was definitely the Moroccan Mint Tea which is made with green tea with mint leaves.

I became totally infatuated with it. Even on a hot day nothing could stop me having my mint tea. Made with fresh mint leaves, it was just so fresh and delicious. Usually beautifully served in a silver teapot and poured from a great height to produce a froth, it can be sweetened with sugar or just served as it is. More often than not it came with a delicious patisserie. Perfect!

Since coming home, I have been craving my fix of mint tea so with a little research and experimentation, I can share with you my perfected version of  Moroccan Mint Tea (all be it in a English tea-cup).

  • Add two teaspoons of loose leaf green tea to your filter tea pot with 500ml of water.
  • Leave the tea to infuse for 2 minutes and then discard the water
  • Add another 500ml of water to the tea leaves and add a generous spoonful of sugar
  • Let the tea and sugar infuse for 10 minutes
  • Add fresh mint to the pot of to the cup and enjoy!
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