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A New Look At Fresh Pasta

A New Look At Fresh Pasta

Pazzi Pasta in Brooklyn is taking a new look at fresh pasta. Unique ingredients, fresh grains and pasta classes. It all makes for a great experience!

A New Look At Fresh PastaFresh Ingredients. Image from Pazzi Pasta website.

Home-made pasta, slow cooked homestyle Southern Italian sauces, using the best organic ingredients. Sounds like just about every other Italian restaurant out there today, doesn’t it? Well, here’s where a Brooklyn restaurant breaks the mold. Pazzi Pasta has taken it upon themselves to take a new look at fresh pasta. The good folks there, are absolutely crazy about pasta, and they wand to pass that passion onto all who visit them.

Not only do they feature daily, hand-made pastas, delicious sauces and fillings all made with local ingredients, but they utilize unique ingredients to lend their pastas a specific flavor or texture. Ancient grains like Farro and Kamut not only change the color, but the texture of the pasta. Nero di seppia, squid ink pasta, is an Italian classic that has become a local favorite. Tomato, baby spinach, and beets all encompass the unique types of pasta that Pazzi makes in order to separate themselves from the rest, and truly innovate. It’s all about being healthy, uncomplicated and, most importantly, delicious.

A New Look At Fresh Pasta

The most unique thing about Pazzi Pasta was the fact that they offer, on a regular basis, pasta-making classes. Not only does this give a unique opportunity to learn how to make fresh pasta by hand, it teaches patrons the history of a traditional style of Italian cooking, as well as offering them a glimpse at the kind of hard work that goes on at Pazzi Pasta.

A New Look At Fresh Pasta

We had a chance to take part in a pasta-making class for ourselves and it was quite a fun experience. Everything was done as the staff at Pazzi Pasta do it every single day: by hand. And we do mean everything was done by hand. From the pasta dough to the pesto, everything was handmade. It was hard work to be sure, but it was refreshing knowing that what you were about to eat, was made fresh and with local, organic ingredients.

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Squid ink seafood pasta

A New Look At Fresh Pasta

By the end of the class, all in attendance had their own batch of ravioli, pasta and pesto. It was quite a sight to behold, and it felt like a real achievement making all that food by hand. It was an unforgettable experience and would highly recommend for anyone interested in learning how to make pasta by hand, or who wants to sample what Pazzi pasta has to offer.

A New Look At Fresh PastaA delicious finish.

Pazzi Pasta

Address: 227 Smith St, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Phone:(347) 916-1076

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