Walnut and Sweet Potato Muffins

Perfect for a breakfast treat, these sweet potato muffins are packed with nuts and nutrients for a great bite on the go or a relaxing baked good with your morning coffee.

Sponsored Post: It’s the perfect time of the year to remember to be a little sweeter. Whether it’s dropping off dinner for a neighbor or bringing in a treat for your coworkers, let’s be sweet more often. We’ve partnered with the North Carolina SweetPotato Commission to bring you some sweet inspiration.
Perfect for a breakfast treat, these sweet potato muffins are packed with nuts and nutrients for a great bite on the go or a relaxing baked good with your morning coffee. Plus, enter below for a chance to win TWO Vitamix blenders.

Walnut and Sweet Potato Muffins

Do you love sweet potatoes? I know this time of year they are so popular. People love to add them to the traditional casseroles and pies. But did you know that they can also be great in recipes like veggie bowls, spiralized “pasta” or even as toast? My favorite way to enjoy sweet potatoes is to use them in delicious baked recipes like these Sweet Potato Breakfast Muffins. It’s a perfect “on the go” breakfast you can feel good about!

Walnut and Sweet Potato Muffins

I created this recipe for and in collaboration with the North Carolina SweetPotato Commission using these ingredients. Did you know that North Carolina has been the number one sweet potato producing state in the United States since 1971? That is a long time.

I like using sweet potatoes in my baked goods like these muffins because they are convenient and versatile. You really can make sweet potatoes fit into any lifestyle (healthy or comfort food) which means they aren’t just for the holiday season. You can use them in all your favorite dishes all year long.

Being that they are packed with vitamin A and fiber, sweet potatoes are the perfect ingredient for a breakfast muffin like these. Just cook to soft & they can be added into a lot of your favorite baked goods.

Walnut and Sweet Potato Muffins

YouTube video

Visit The North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission for this recipe.

Plus, the North Carolina SweetPotato Commission is hosting a giveaway! Enter below for a chance to win not one, but TWO Vitamix blenders. One for you and one for a friend. Now that’s pretty sweet.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Walnut and Sweet Potato Muffins

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