Cozy up with a pan of these pillowy-soft and fragrant brioche sweet rolls. Perfect for a special breakfast.
You are going to love the drool-inducing aroma of this sweet and buttery, freshly-baked bread drifting from your oven.
Now look at this photo, close your eyes and imagine that first bite. The powdery sugar on your lips, the warm and flaky brioche under your teeth, and the buttery and citrusy flavor hitting your taste buds. Can you feel it too?!? I wish I could tele-transmit the flavor and aroma to you. But until someone figures out how to do that on our iPhone, all I can do is send you my recipe, so you can try it in your own kitchen.
This recipe is quite simple and doesn’t require much labor. You can let your food processor or mixer do all the hard work. Push the button and watch the magic happen!
What you do need to do is plan it ahead of time. For a soft and fluffy brioche bread you need to let the dough rise a few times. The first rise happens after you first mix the dough.
After the dough gets to double its size, roll it out, brush with melted butter, fold and roll out again. After you do this a few times to create some layers that will puff up when baking, let the dough rise again.
Roll out, sprinkle with butter and brown sugar, make into a log, cut in rolls and let it rise. Once more.
I know it sounds complicated and a long process, but it’s really not. Make sure to watch my video to see how easy it really is! And don’t skip anything … Every step is there to make the rolls as soft and as fluffy as possible.
Believe me. All the wait is well worth it!

I think I’m under a sweet-rolls spell. Just look at the swirls. Hypnotizing, right?!
Click HERE for the recipe.