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New Year’s Eve Menu For The Superstitious

New Year’s Eve Menu For The Superstitious

New Year’s Eve brings out a bit of superstition in all of us. Revelers planning an evening of celebration may consider enjoying foods infused with tradition to conjure up good fortune all year long.
By Kate Devine


Spanish tradition is to eat twelve grapes at the stroke of midnight, one for each month of good luck. Some even make twelve wishes, one wish on each grape. Wait until midnight to indulge in the lucky fruit, or try these Goat Cheese and Walnut Covered Grapes for a creative take on tradition.

Black Eyed Peas

Enjoying black eyed peas on New Year’s Eve, a tradition rooted in the U.S. South, brings good fortune and prosperity all year long. It is also believed that since the peas grow when cooked, those who enjoy them on New Year’s Eve will also grow in spirit.  Try this recipe for Spicy Shrimp and Black Eyed Pea Salad, because seafood is lucky as well. As the metaphor goes, fish swim forward, so enjoying a seafood dish on New Year’s Eve will ensure that you move forward with swiftness and grace.


For another delicious and lucky accompaniment to black eyed peas, try greens, especially kale and collards. Greens resemble dollar bills, and are believed to bring wealth in the new year. Try this recipe for Brazilian Collard Greens.


Pigs root forward into the ground, so those who enjoy pork for dinner rather than poultry or beef will move ahead in the new year with great success. As a rich food, pork also signifies abundance, bringing vibes of plenty to your celebration. Try this recipe for Pork Belly with French Lavander Salt and Rose Alioli.

See Also

Long Noodles

In Japanese cultures, long noodles symbolize a long life well lived. Eating long noodles is customary for occasions imbued with tradition. Try this recipe for Japanese Soba Noodles.

Round Cake

Indulge in all the ring shaped desserts you like, for they encourage “coming full circle,” in life’s endeavors. Cultures around the world boast their own special circular pastries for New Year’s Eve. Some even bake a coin inside the cake. The person to receive the piece with a baked-in surprise is expected to experience the best luck of the year. Try this recipe for the Greek cake Vasilopita.

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