Honey Blueberry Hot Toddy

Warm yourself and your guests with this easy honey blueberry hot toddy spiced with cinnamon and spiked with bourbon.

PARTNER POST: Sip through the holiday season with easy cocktails and drinks that can be made in a flash with merriest berry – blueberries.
Warm yourself and your guests with this easy honey blueberry hot toddy spiced with cinnamon and spiked with bourbon.

Honey Blueberry Hot Toddy

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This time of the year, I feel like my body is begging me for some rest. So I am taking it easy, resting a lot more, and nourishing my body with heartwarming soups and drinks. This honey-sweetened blueberry hot toddy is one of them.

In addition to fresh vegetables to fight off feeling under the weather, we also bought 5 pints of blueberries. They are my absolute favorite food to snack on and since they are available year-round I always keep some in my fridge. In the next few days, I snacked on some and on Friday night, after it got very cold, I decided to use the rest to make this homemade blueberry hot toddy.

Honey Blueberry Hot Toddy

A hot toddy is one of the easiest drinks you can make. Basically, you pour some boiled water in a mug, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice, a shot of bourbon (or brandy) and sweeten with sugar. However, for my recipe, I wanted to take it up a notch.

First, I used the rest of the blueberries to make a honey-sweetened simple syrup as the base of my hot toddy. I used blueberries intentionally as they are full of antioxidants and vitamins and they help reverse damage done by toxins. Exactly what I needed…

Honey Blueberry Hot Toddy

Second, I strained the simple syrup and divided it in between 2 mugs. To finish it up, I added some boiling water, a shot of bourbon and a generous squeeze of lemon juice in each cup. It ended up being a healer. I swear I could literally feel that I was getting better with every sip.

So next time you are feeling under the weather or simply want to warm the hearts of your guests, reach out for this blueberry hot toddy recipe. With its gorgeous and festive maroon color, I think it is the perfect drink to serve during the holidays.

Honey Blueberry Hot Toddy

Click here to get this hot toddy recipe and many more easy blueberry cocktails.

For another easy drink that is ready to please a crowd of holiday guests, check out this blueberry bellini.

YouTube video

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