Flourless Chocolate Cake

Mehan Dossani has found her favorite flourless chocolate cake recipe, perfect for a friday night dinner at a friend’s house.
Flourless Chocolate Cake Flourless Chocolate Cake

Mehan Dossani has found her favorite flourless chocolate cake recipe, perfect for a friday night dinner at a friend’s house.
By Mehan Dossani

Flourless Chocolate Cake

I’ve found my little black dress of chocolate cake recipes. I adore its simplicity and elegance. It’s French without being fussy and you can whip this up on a Friday evening for a friend’s dinner party without being fazed. I adapted this recipe from a show on the Cooking Channel, French Food at Home. I love the host, she has an adorably slight French Canadian accent, makes everything seems so effortless, isn’t afraid of butter and has a beautiful copper bowl she whips eggs in by hand. I find her a bit mesmerizing. This cake is so smooth and light in texture but dark and rich in flavor. It puffs up like a souffle and then falls down after you pull it out of the oven as charmingly rustic cracks form on the top.

You’ll need three bowls, a pot with some water on the stove, a hand beater, and a springform pan.

Flourless Chocolate Cake

  • 7 oz (200g) 72% chocolate
  • 7 oz (200g) butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 2/3 cup (85 g) sugar


1. Heat oven to 375°F (190°C), line an 8 inch springform pan with parchment paper, butter and dust with powdered sugar (or flour).
2. Place a glass bowl on the pot, on the stove with simmering water, and melt the butter and chocolate until smooth.
3. In two bowls, separate the eggs (place the whites in a larger bowl).  Beat the yolks with half the sugar until thick and pale.  In the other bowl, beat the whites until soft peaks, then add the rest of the sugar and beat to stiff peaks.
4. Slowly whisk the chocolate mixture into the yolk mixture. Stir in a spoonful of beaten egg whites, then pour the chocolate mixture over the egg whites and gently fold together with a spatula.
5. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake about 45-50 minutes. Remove from the oven.
6. Run a knife around the outside edge, then let sit until cool. It will sink down and the top will crack. Dust with powdered sugar and serve with whipped cream.

What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (3) What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (3)
  1. Timing/temp definitely not right. I checked after 20 mins and was burnt on top. Covered and turned temp down. Was cooked after 40 mins even with adjustments. Beware!

  2. Made this tonight. Cooked it for 40 minutes and it came out very burned. I will try it again, but if you make it, definitely check this earlier than the recommended time.

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