Explore Edinburgh Farmer’s Market

With over 55 local producers, Edinburgh farmer’s market is the ultimate grocery shopping experience, with a view.
Edinburgh farmers market Edinburgh farmers market

What better way to spend a sunny Saturday morning in Edinburgh than wandering up and down the Farmer’s Market with over 55 local producers and a stunning view.
By Hilary Sturzaker

IMG_4587What better way to spend a sunny Saturday morning in Edinburgh than wandering up and down the Farmer’s Market on Castle Terrace. With a stunning view of Edinburgh Castle behind you it’s a chance to feel like a tourist in your own city and pick up some of the freshest produce you can direct from the producers. Over 55 local producers attend the market on different Saturday’s throughout the month, the majority of which are primary producers.

As well as stocking up for your weekend’s culinary adventures in the kitchen it’s so nice being able to talk to the people who actually produce the food you buy. Plenty of advice on cooking techniques are always available which is really appreciated particularly if you want to try something you’ve never cooked before. Now that’s customer service for you.

For those who like to eat while they shop, fear not, there are multiple opportunities to EAT your way around the market. Mr Monkfish will confirm that the Hog Roast in a bun is simply ‘one of the best’ whilst I usually lean towards the artisan cheese toastie on sourdough from Bakery Andante, just delicious.


On Saturday we bought a flank of venison from Seriously Good Venison which was extremely tasty. We slow cooked it for almost 4 hours in red wine and tomatoes with carrots, onion and garlic – thanks for the recipe from the stall holder, our Sunday dinner was amazing!


One of our favourite bakers in Edinburgh, Falko, do a roaring trade at the market every Saturday. Our personal recommend is the mixed nut dome, tasty tasty tasty. Serve toasted dripping with butter, your breakfast will never be the same again.


So, what’s on offer at Edinburgh Farmer’s Market? A quarter of the stall holders offer meat products, including specialities such as venison and water buffalo. Organic beef, chicken, lamb and pork are also available. Other types of produce include fish (lobster in season), free-range eggs (including duck eggs), cheese, seasonal fruit and vegetables, honey, pates, chillies and plants. In addition you’ll find producers who bake and prepare their own farm products. Guest producers provide specialities including organic beer, liqueurs, bread, chocolates and chutneys.

Favourite producers of ours (in no particular order) are Peelham Farm, Seriously Good, Grierson Organic, Pasta with Love, Eden Brewery and East Coast Organics to name but a few.

For full listings check out the Edinburgh Farmer’s Market website and look at the monthly calendar so you know when is the best time for you to go to get that little something special for your Sunday lunch. The first Saturday of the month is the most popular day as there is also a Slow Food Cooking  demo which is another excuse for a bit of taste testing!


The Market is extremely sociable, find Edinburgh Farmer’s Market on:

All photos thanks to mymonkfish.com

What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (3) What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (3)
  1. Delighted you enjoyed the stuffed flank :) Thank you so much for the mention. Do come and visit again – we’ve a new idea at this weekends market!

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