Potato and Salmon Curry
Enjoy Coffee All Day Long With These Caffeinated Recipes
Simple Pasta with Beans

Enjoy Coffee All Day Long With These Caffeinated Recipes

What better way to pay respects to the dark roasted beans than making each meal of your day all about coffee. The following ideas will keep your taste buds satisfied, all while keeping you alert all day long.

What better way to pay respects to the dark roasted beans than making each meal of your day all about coffee. The following ideas will keep your taste buds satisfied, all while keeping you alert all day long.

Breakfast: Coffee Cake

It is odd to me that most coffee cake recipes don’t actually have coffee in them. This particular coffee cake has three injections of the good stuff to get you going, and keep you going all morning long. The secret ingredient: coffee liqueur.

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Image Courtesy of Chelsea Kyle via Epicurious

Lunch: Coffee-Bacon Sandwich

The only thing better than that first sip of coffee, is that first bite of bacon. Combining the two may seem extreme to some, but to those dedicated to eating the most delicious things possible, this combination is something to look forward to.

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Image Courtesy of Joy the Baker

Dinner: Coffee-Braised Short Ribs

Coffee rubs for meat are becoming very popular, but if you want the flavor of coffee without the grit of the grounds, braising meat in coffee is the way to go. This recipe uses cold brew coffee as the braise, which permeates the short ribs and delivers coffee flavor to every delightful bite.

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Image Courtesy of Food Republic

Dessert: Chocolate Glazed Espresso Cheesecake

Maybe the only thing that can make cheesecake better is the addition of espresso and chocolate. Creamy coffee comes to life in the form of this cheesecake, and is elegantly topped with a chocolate glaze to give it a mocha feel. Treat yourself to this indulgence!

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Image Courtesy of Pure Wow

Cocktail: Baileys and Freeze Coffee

Baileys and coffee go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you’ve saved room for a cocktail, or as having your cocktail as dessert, this one is perfect, and simple! All it takes is freezing coffee into ice cubes, then pouring over Baileys and vodka (and milk if you like). The ice cubes will melt and create a perfect blend of coffee and alcohol for a perfect nightcap.

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Image Courtesy of Style Estate


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