Delicious Vegan Happy Hours in Los Angeles

The Instagram food star @veganfatkid shows us the ropes to cheap drinks ‘n eats across Los Angeles

The Instagram food star @veganfatkid shows us the ropes to cheap drinks ‘n eats across Los Angeles

Words by Belinda Gosbee
Happy Hour—music to almost anyone’s ears, except of course for our sober or vegan friends. “What?” I hear you say. “Isn’t all booze vegan?! It’s just fermented grapes and grains?” Au contraire, my friend. Not all are animal-free.

Plant-based lifestyle advocate Tim Moore AKA @veganfatkid sets us straight:
“Most people don’t know that isinglass (fish gelatin), gelatin, and egg whites are often used as clarifying agents in beer and wine, while some liqueurs contain honey, milk or bone-char filtered sugar.”

So what’s a vegan to do? Miss out on 5 p.m. fiestas? Sit in the corner sipping cold brew while the omnivores munch on wings and knock back $5 Moscow Mules?

Thankfully, Los Angeles has a somewhat-off-the-radar penchant for vegan happy hours. Tim reveals where to find them and what to order, snacks included. Your only issue will be deciding between the Juniper Kaletini or Hibiscus Margarita.

Soyrizo Asada Tacos (R) at Toca MaderaSoyrizo Asada Tacos (R) at Toca Madera

Toca Madera

Beverly Grove, La Bonita cocktail $8; Soyrizo Asada Tacos $8
Happy Hour: Mon-Fri, 5 – 7 p.m.

VFK: If you like attractive people, hip interiors and vegan tacos, then Toca Madera might be your spot. Get in right at 5 p.m., get a seat at the bar and be sure to tell them you’re vegan—they’ll pull out their separate super secret vegan menu. The Happy Hour options are cool, but I suggest adding in their signature Churro Ice Cream Sandwich (because, Churro Ice Cream Sandwich).
Stand outs: The La Bonita cocktail & Soyrizo Asada Tacos

Vegan Happy HourBell’s Amber Ale (top R) & Vegan Beet Pierogi (front) at Mud Hen Tavern

Mud Hen Tavern

Hollywood, Bell’s Amber Ale $5 & Vegan Pierogi $5
Happy Hour: Mon – Fri, 5 – 7 p.m.

VFK: Tuesday trivia night with indoor / outdoor seating and a mixed menu full of vegan options. Chef Kajsa has put together delicious vegan alternatives to most of their popular traditional dishes and a hand-picked vegan beer selection guaranteed to make you shine on trivia night.
Stand outs – Bell’s Amber Ale & Vegan Pierogi

Delicious Vegan Happy Hours in Los AngelesVegan Garlic & Herb Pizza Dough Twists (top L) and Angry Vegan Pizza (front) at Mohawk Bend

Mohawk Bend

Echo Park, Whiskey Business $8, Garlic and Herb Pizza Dough Twists $5
Happy Hour: Mon-Fri, 3 – 7 p.m.

VFK: If pizza is your after work go-to, then I’ve got you covered. Not only does Mohawk Bend boast the biggest vegan Happy Hour menu of the bunch, but they offer you a Late Night one too! For all you insomniacs and party animals this is your spot! Pizza, beer, garlic twists and dessert they even have TVs to catch the big game.
Stand outs: Whiskey Business & Garlic and Herb Pizza Dough Twists

For more VeganFatKid food recommendations in LA, check out:
Top 10 Vegan Breakfasts

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