Confessions of a Foodie

Marissa Sertich shares her New Year’s resolution with us.

Marissa Sertich shares her New Year’s resolution with us.
By Marissa Sertich

The holidays have come and gone and I’ve been woefully neglectful of my writing – I’m starting to believe that the feeling of never getting enough accomplished  is a cold, hard fact about being an adult. There will always be a few dirty cups in my sink. I’m learning to get over it.

So, the New Year’s resolution I made this year was not to drink fewer beers, or organize my desk, or try harder to reconnect with friends from the third grade. My goal is simple – be happy.

I think a key element of sustainable happiness is admitting things about yourself. Example: My hair color will probably change 15 times this year and I will probably only like about 5 of those colors – I’m just going to sit back and be okay with that.

In the food world, I am going to embark on the road of sustainable happiness by acknowledging all of the things that I like and don’t like. The list is one I don’t generally share because as a culinary professional, a lot of judgments are placed on things like the temperature of the steak you order. I’m a medium girl myself, but that hardly makes the list. So, I’m putting the list out in the world, embracing these parts of myself – and to hell with the rest.

Here we go:

I love Jell-O and I believe that the color green can be a flavor.

I’ve never tried spam, but I have the feeling I’d really like it

I got excited when McDonald’s brought back the McRib

I always regret buying quinoa. Rice is king.

Sometimes I freeze Coolwhip and eat it like ice cream.

I like buttering my croissants, even though butter is already their main ingredient

I’d rather eat an apple fritter than a doughnut.  (I think that’s my midwestern coming out.)

I’m not sure that humans are supposed to eat seaweed – Yes, I am that person who orders the Chinese food off of the sushi menu.

I like ranch dressing. (I think that’s also my midwestern coming out).

I like alfredo sauce

I prefer my oysters fried

I prefer a lot of things fried

I love dark and milk chocolate, but I think that white chocolate deserves a little more respect in the world

I have an aversion to cold soups – yes, that’s you gazpacho!

I like cake for breakfast

Actually, I like cake all the time.

I hate the word “Foodie.”

I believe that salumi, cheese, olives and wine constitute a proper meal

I believe that this year is going to be great.

There it is.

What’s on your list?

What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (1) What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (1)
  1. Well I agree with the majority of your list so you shouldn’t be ashamed. How can you not butter a croissant??? Butter goes with everything :)

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