Revive Favorite Throwback Foods

Food from the 80’s and 90’s was often extreme, multi-colored, and addictive. Here are some favorite copycat recipes of throwback foods, like Dunkaroos.
Revive Favorite Throwback Foods circus animals Revive Favorite Throwback Foods circus animals

In the late 80’s and 90’s, all of the best snack foods were “extreme,” multi-colored, and unbelievably addictive (well, usually—we’re still trying to get the awful taste of Orbitz out of our mouths). If you’re feeling in the mood to throw it back with classics like Dunkaroos or Jell-O Pudding Pops, be sure to check out these 10 amazing copycat recipes.
By McKenzie Van Meter

This article has been posted with permission and originally appeared as Throwback Recipes to Relive the 80s and 90s on Relish

Revive These Favorite Throwback FoodsAmuse Bouche


Dunkaroos may be the best food concept of all time. Cinnamon cookies plus rainbow-speckled frosting equals a purely blissful experience for nostalgic snackers. You can still find the pre-packaged stuff in some stores, but this recipe from Amuse Bouche is definitely worth trying out. Plus, making them yourself means you can always whip up more frosting if need be. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods slurpeeThe Lady Prefers 2 Save

Cherry Slurpee

Back in the 90s, the very best way to quench your thirst on hot summer days was with an icy cold cherry slurpee from 7-Eleven. The Lady Prefers 2 Save uses Splenda in her recipe to cut down the calorie count, but you’re welcome to substitute it for the real stuff and relive the intense sugar rush you got from the original mixture. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods pudding popsDeliciously Declassified

Pudding Pops

So creamy. So delicious. In her recipe, Tara of Deliciously Declassified recreates the fan-favorite chocolate-and-vanilla-swirl version of the Jell-O Pudding Pop. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods cosmic browniesAverie Cooks

Cosmic Brownies

In 90’s lunchrooms, cosmic brownies were the ultimate cool-kid dessert. These guys are still around in grocery stores today, but we absolutely love this recipe from Averie Cooks It might be considered blasphemy, but we’d argue that her take on the classic dessert is even better than the real thing! Plus, you’ll know exactly what is going into them, no weird ingredients here. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods orange JuliusHandmade Charlotte

Orange Julius

Every mall rat can attest to the goodness that is Orange Julius. This sugary, terrible for-you drink (aka the 90s version of the Frappuccino) used to be an essential part of the mall experience: “OMG, is Josh buying Stacie an Orange Julius? It must be getting serious!” Here, Handmade Charlotte gives her own take on the sweet, frozen beverage. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback FoodsSouthern Plate


For 80s kids, Breyer’s Viennetta represented the ultimate luxury ice cream experience. The commercials made it look uber-classy, so you knew that you were an A-list friend if you were offered one at a sleepover. Find an impossibly yummy adaptation of the frozen treat on Southern Plate. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods circus animalsFork & Beans

Circus Animal Cookies

Nothing screams “childhood” more than Mother’s Circus Animal Cookies. In her recipe, Cara from Fork & Beans makes these treats allergen-friendly so you can share the snack with those who are lactose or gluten-intolerant. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods cracker jacksAdd a Pinch

Cracker Jacks

The designated food of baseball games has been and will be around forever, but Jacks were especially loved during the 90’s when the prizes in packages were actually good. Add a Pinch attempts to recreate the perfect combo of salty, sweet, and nutty in her own Cracker Jack recipe. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods keeblerSerious Eats

Keebler Magic Middles

Serious Eats provides a homemade version of this now discontinued Keebler favorite: a chewy cookie with a melt-in-your-mouth chocolate middle. We don’t even need the commercials with Elf Einstein to convince us that these are the Holy Grail of junk food. Get the recipe here.

Revive Favorite Throwback Foods pop tartCooking Classy


The 80’s and 90’s were a Golden Age for the Pop-Tart: the decades brought us Pop-Tart Minis, Pop-Tarts Crunch cereal, and the now-gone PB&J flavor. For a grown-up friendly version of your favorite childhood breakfast, check out the copycat recipe on Cooking Classy. Get the recipe here.

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