Memorial Day: Summer Kick-Off Menu

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer and we have a menu planned for you to celebrate the start of the season and honor those who have served.

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer and we have planned a menu to celebrate the start of the sunny season. Included is an easy barbecue friendly meal we think will help you say goodbye to spring and kick off the start of summer. This menu will have your large or small group of young and old guests coming back for seconds.
By Mallory Davis


Appetizer – Roasted Eggplant Salad with Smoked Almonds and Goat Cheese

Eggplant isn’t the most popular or well known summer vegetable, but after trying this tasty salad you will give this veggie a new appreciation. This smoky salad is light and the perfect way to start off the summery meal. Plus, you can warm up the grill before the main course with this recipe. Get the recipe here.

e plant salad

Main Course – Turkey Burgers with Sundried Tomato, Basil, and Parsley

The only way to really kick off summer is to celebrate and take advantage of official grilling weather. There are so many ways to do this including barbecuing hot dogs, kebobs, burgers, and veggies, but we believe we have found one of the best recipes. And you guessed it, it’s a burger. A turkey burger packed full of basil, parsley and garlic and covered in a homemade smoky peppery mayonnaise and finally, topped with fresh mozzarella cheese and spinach leaves. Get the recipe here.


Dessert – Red, White, and Blueberry Frozen Yogurt Pie with Granola Crust

Since Memorial Day is about celebrating our nation’s greatest sacrifices, it’s only appropriate to make a patriotic dessert to go along with it. This guilt-free dessert can be made with the yogurt of your choice in order to go along with the nutty granola crust. Plus, it’s gluten free! Get the recipe here.


Beverage – Sparkling Roasted Vanilla Lemonade

You can’t have a meal without something to drink and we have found the perfect drink to pair. Not too sour and not too sweet, this new spin on lemonade is delightful and easy. Roasting the lemons takes the edge off of the acidity leaving this beverage perfectly balanced and refreshing. Get the recipe here.


We have given you the perfect excuse to fire up the grill and honor those that have served our country. Have fun and eat lots! Enjoy!

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