An at home cold brew that can make many different iced coffee possibilities!
Truth be told, I’m really more of a hot coffee drinker regardless of the weather. I don’t know why that is. Maybe it’s because I like to savor my coffee and when it is cold I always drink it wayyyyy too fast. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that when I find something I like, I like to stick with it. Who knows. But there are a number of afternoons when I just need a little pick-me-up and this cold brew comes to the rescue. It’s amazing over ice with chocolate almond milk (hellooooo iced mocha!) and I always love the classic iced latte kind of thing. Or you can go straight up coffee concentrate + water over ice.
Did I mention that this is a concentrate? Yep. Super strong so you can store it in the fridge in a reasonable sized container. I like to use the large mason jars, of which I have a million, that are lying around my kitchen needing a purpose.
Important note: When you make this, be VERY CAREFUL when straining the coffee. It’s safest to give it all a stir first so your coffee grounds don’t all fall out at once leaving you with a massive mess of black grime all over your white kitchen cabinets and in the crevices of your wood floor. I heard this from a friend. ;)
And now, finally, the recipe! Best enjoyed in a sunny spot with a straw and a good book.

- 1 cup course ground coffee
- 8 cups water
- fine mesh sieve
- coffee filter
- Place the coffee grounds in the bottom of a large pitcher or bowl.
- Add the water and stir.
- Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
- Give the coffee and the grounds another stir (see note above for reasoning). Place the fine mesh sieve over another pitcher or bowl.
- Pour the coffee into the sieve. This will not remove all the grounds. Don’t be alarmed.
- Now, clean out the sieve and line it with a coffee filter. Place it over another large bowl or pitcher and strain a second time.
- Transfer to a large mason jar (or two) or a pitcher and refrigerate.
- When ready to use, use 1 part coffee (I use about 1/2 cup of the coffee concentrate) to 1 part water or milk. Serve over ice.
- Category: Coffee
I’m a hot coffee kinda gal, too. Will definitely try this! It sounds simple enough ;)