Countdown to Summer: All About Apricots

Apricots are here and ready to be enjoyed. Throw them on the grill, chop them into salsas, or eat them raw, it doesn’t matter, just eat them.

Apricots are here and ready to be enjoyed. Throw them on the grill, chop them into salsas, or eat them raw, it doesn’t matter, just eat them.
By Maya Dangerfield

June 21st is Summer Solstice, or the first official day of summer. Honest Cooking is counting down to the longest day of the year with recipes featuring seasonal produce. Eat it while you can!

What about it?

It’s hard to imagine a fruit sexier than the apricot. Okay, the strawberry in its cabal with the chocolate industry is undeniably sexy. Cherries? Granted cherries did receive an early nineties bump from the innuendo laden cherry-stem trick of Twin Peaks fame, but can you think of a fruit more historically aphrodisiac than the apricot? I think not. From references in Midsummer’s Night Dream, being dubbed ‘apricocks’ in English courts, to serving as a massage oil for Aboriginal Australians, the impact of the small golden fruit with a slight peach blush covers the globe. Originating in China where they were referred to as  ‘moons of the faithful’, the fruit and its 20 varieties spread quickly across Asia and the Middle East. Consuming a raw apricot provides a hearty dose of vitamin A (674 IU)—nearly two-thirds of the recommended daily intake for adult men and women. Part of the stone fruit family and closely related to almond, the apricot ripens between May and August. The fruit is a multipurpose powerhouse—its kernel (the seeds found within the hard inner shell) is used to flavor the liqueur Amaretto.

How to Use It

Apricots are best when consumed raw and in season. Apricots are easy to prep and its skin can be eaten uncooked. Selecting an apricot that tastes as delicious as it looks is a notoriously difficult task. A fully ripe apricot is slightly soft but be wary—super soft does not signal ripeness as apricots are relatively juice free. When searching for apricots select unbruised fruit with a floral scent. Look for golden yellow fruits  as pale yellow and green apricots signal immaturity.

Looking for the latest apricot recipe? Honest Cooking has you covered with these apricot inspired recipes.

Fresh Apricot Salsa

apricot salsa

Apricot Ricotta Cake

Apricot Ricotta Cake

Roasted Chickpea and Apricot Salad

Roasted Chickpea and Apricot Salad

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