Coffee House Test – Broadcast Coffee, Seattle

The shop owns a simple exterior that leads inside into a warm interior, with wood tables, black chairs and ample lighting.
Coffee House Test - Broadcast Coffee, Seattle Coffee House Test - Broadcast Coffee, Seattle

With it’s red flat awning and a line of chairs, the shop owns a simple exterior that leads inside into a warm interior, with high-top wood tables, sleek black chairs and ample lighting.
By Bill Walsh

Coffee House Test - Broadcast Coffee, Seattle

Subject: Broadcast Coffee
Location: Seattle, WA
Free WiFi ? : yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Often when I listen to the radio during my frequent commutes, I more and more have come to fully grasp the heavy handed power of sponsorship. Between commercials and overtly redundant product placements in broadcasts, it”s a wonder that I still listen to the radio.

Fortunately, the cream rises to the top and with a society of cream lovers, you’ll hear the wonders of great establishments regardless of their radio ad budget. Places like Broadcast Coffee in Seattle exists as one such place I would extol as a coffee spot worth a go. With two locations, I was able to wind my way to their Capitol Hill cafe one gloriously sunny afternoon. With it’s red flat awning and a line of chairs, the shop owns a simple exterior that leads inside into a warm interior, with high-top wood tables, sleek black chairs and ample lighting.

The coffee hales from Sightglass and Stumptown, both excellent roasters starting with “s.” I ordered an espresso of a Sightglass Guatemala and Clever Dripper of a Stumptown Ethiopia. The espresso, pulled short with a brown crema, smacked of vanilla, orange, sassafras, nutmeg and some butter, all together producing a bright and slightly malty sweetness that delivered fireworks. The Ethiopian rolled out notes of mellow cocoa, pear, sweet lobster, wheat and shiitake amidst a medium body, also proving delicious in its totality.

To reiterate the basic gist, I found my visit worthy of remembrance. Next time you’re around Seattle, tune into Broadcast Coffee for a visit you can set your presets to.

Broadcast Coffee
1918 E Yesler Way
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 322-0807

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