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How to Make Buchteln: Austrian Sweet Rolls

How to Make Buchteln: Austrian Sweet Rolls

How to make Austrian Buchteln Recipe

A delicious Austrian treat, these yeast-raised rolls are a fluffy baked delight, wrapped around sweet red berry jam. 

Buchteln, also known as Rohrnudeln, are sweet, yeast-leavened buns popular in Austrian, Bavarian, and Bohemian cuisines. They are typically filled with jam, poppy seeds, or curd, but can also be served plain, often with vanilla sauce. Buchteln are baked in a large pan so that they stick together and are traditionally pulled apart when eaten. They are fluffy, light, and absolutely delicious.

How to make Austrian Buchteln Recipe

How to Make Buchteln: Austrian Sweet Rolls

Prepare the Dough

  1. Activate the Yeast:
    • Pour 3/4 cup warmed milk (180 ml) into a large mixing bowl.
    • Sprinkle 1.5 tsp active dry yeast (5 g) over the milk and let it sit for about 10 minutes until it becomes frothy.
  2. Mix Wet Ingredients:
    • To the yeast mixture, add 3 tbsp fine sugar (45 g), 1 large egg, 1/3 cup melted butter (75 g), 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, and 1/4 tsp salt.
    • Stir until all the ingredients are well combined.
  3. Incorporate Flour:
    • Gradually add 3 cups plain flour (375 g) to the wet mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until a sticky dough forms.

First Proof

  1. Knead the Dough:
    • Using oiled hands, gently fold the dough edges into the center repeatedly for a few minutes.
    • Handle the dough gently to maintain its light and airy texture.
  2. Let it Rise:
    • Cover the bowl with cling wrap and place it in a warm area.
    • Allow the dough to rise for about 1 hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Shape the Buchteln

  1. Prepare for Baking:
    • Line a baking pan with parchment paper and grease it with the extra 2 tbsp melted butter.
    • Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Divide and Shape Dough:
    • Turn the risen dough onto a lightly floured surface.
    • Divide the dough into 12 equal portions.
    • Shape each portion by folding the edges into the center and flattening into a disk with a thicker center.
  3. Fill with Jam:
    • Place a spoonful of sweet berry jam in the center of each disk.
    • Bring the edges together and pinch to seal tightly, ensuring the jam does not escape.
  4. Final Shaping:
    • Shape each filled bun into a smooth ball, sealing the edges at the bottom.
    • Arrange the buns on the prepared baking pan with a little space between each.

Second Proof and Bake

  1. Second Rise:
    • Cover the shaped buns with cling wrap.
    • Let them rise again for about 30 minutes until they become puffy.
  2. Add Steam:
    • Place a small, oven-safe dish of water on the bottom rack of the oven. The steam will help create a softer crust on the Buchteln.
  3. Bake the Buchteln:
    • Brush the tops of the buns with the remaining melted butter.
    • Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until the buns are golden brown.
  4. Cool and Serve:
    • Remove the buns from the oven and let them cool for about 10 minutes.
    • Dust with powdered sugar before serving.


See Also
Protein Filled Blondies

Recipe Notes

  • Ensure the milk is warm (not hot) to activate the yeast without killing it.
  • The first proof is crucial for the dough’s development, so ensure the dough is kept in a warm, draft-free area.
  • Be gentle when handling the dough to maintain its light texture.


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How to make Austrian Buchteln Recipe

How to Make Buchteln – Austrian Sweet Rolls

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4.9 from 9 reviews

  • Author: Honest Cooking
  • Total Time: 2 hours
  • Yield: 12 buns 1x


A delicious Austrian treat, these yeast-raised rolls are a fluffy baked delight, wrapped around sweet berry jam. 


Units Scale
  • 3/4 cup warmed milk (180 ml)
  • 3 cups plain flour (375 g), sifted plus extra for dusting
  • 1.5 tsp active dry yeast (5 g)
  • 3 tbsp fine sugar (45 g)
  • 1 large free range egg
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/3 cup melted butter (75 g) plus 2 tbsp for greasing
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 56 tbsp sweet berry jam
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar for dusting


Prepare the Dough

  1. Activate the Yeast:
    • Pour 3/4 cup warmed milk (180 ml) into a large mixing bowl.
    • Sprinkle 1.5 tsp active dry yeast (5 g) over the milk and let it sit for about 10 minutes until it becomes frothy.
  2. Mix Wet Ingredients:
    • To the yeast mixture, add 3 tbsp fine sugar (45 g), 1 large egg, 1/3 cup melted butter (75 g), 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, and 1/4 tsp salt.
    • Stir until all the ingredients are well combined.
  3. Incorporate Flour:
    • Gradually add 3 cups plain flour (375 g) to the wet mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until a sticky dough forms.

First Proof

  1. Knead the Dough:
    • Using oiled hands, gently fold the dough edges into the center repeatedly for a few minutes.
    • Handle the dough gently to maintain its light and airy texture.
  2. Let it Rise:
    • Cover the bowl with cling wrap and place it in a warm area.
    • Allow the dough to rise for about 1 hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Shape the Buchteln

  1. Prepare for Baking:
    • Line a baking pan with parchment paper and grease it with the extra 2 tbsp melted butter.
    • Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Divide and Shape Dough:
    • Turn the risen dough onto a lightly floured surface.
    • Divide the dough into 12 equal portions.
    • Shape each portion by folding the edges into the center and flattening into a disk with a thicker center.
  3. Fill with Jam:
    • Place a spoonful of sweet berry jam in the center of each disk.
    • Bring the edges together and pinch to seal tightly, ensuring the jam does not escape.
  4. Final Shaping:
    • Shape each filled bun into a smooth ball, sealing the edges at the bottom.
    • Arrange the buns on the prepared baking pan with a little space between each.

Second Proof and Bake

  1. Second Rise:
    • Cover the shaped buns with cling wrap.
    • Let them rise again for about 30 minutes until they become puffy.
  2. Add Steam:
    • Place a small, oven-safe dish of water on the bottom rack of the oven. The steam will help create a softer crust on the Buchteln.
  3. Bake the Buchteln:
    • Brush the tops of the buns with the remaining melted butter.
    • Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until the buns are golden brown.
  4. Cool and Serve:
    • Remove the buns from the oven and let them cool for about 10 minutes.
    • Dust with powdered sugar before serving.


  • Ensure the milk is warm (not hot) to activate the yeast without killing it.
  • The first proof is crucial for the dough’s development, so ensure the dough is kept in a warm, draft-free area.
  • Be gentle when handling the dough to maintain its light texture.
  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Proofing Rime: 75 mins
  • Cook Time: 25 mins
  • Category: Pastries
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: Austrian


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