11 Delicious Go-To Rice Recipes

Every place has a way of serving rice that is wildly unique. The grain is a blank slate that can be transform into sweet or savory with the right recipe.

From New Orleans to Thailand, every place has a way of serving rice that is wildly unique. This grain is a blank slate that can effortlessly transform into a delicious dessert, salad, main course or a complementary side with just a bit of creativity and the right recipe. Below, we’ve collected eleven of these right rice recipes, varying from a scrumptious curried rice salad to an unforgettable cherry almond brown rice pudding.
By Danielle Isbell

This article has been posted with permission and originally appeared as 11 Rice Recipes to Remember on Relish

Aileen’s Curried Rice Salad

curried-rice-salad-relishJessica Merchant

This curried rice salad has a variety of vegetables and spices to give it a fresh and layered taste. Having a party? Make this dish the night before for optimal flavor and to ensure a stress-free prep day. Get the recipe here.

Bacon Fried Rice

bfd-bacon-fried-rice-webQuirk Books

This fried rice recipe has both Asian and Southern flares thanks to the addition of rich, savory bacon. Be sure to prepare ahead of time because the rice must cool for at least 30 minutes or overnight before it can be used in this flavorful rice dish. Get the recipe here.

Mediterranean Rice Salad

mediterranean-rice-saladTeresa Blackburn

Taking cues from Mediterranean cuisine’s simplicity, this dish is a quick, fresh meal featuring garbanzo beans, bell peppers and feta cheese. Get the recipe here.

Orange Cranberry Rice

oven-baked-orange-cranberry-riceMark Boughton Photography

Spice up your side dishes with this wintery rice recipe. Its unique citrus zing pairs wonderfully with chicken. Get the recipe here.

Cherry Almond Brown Rice Pudding

cherry_almond_brown_rice_pudding_horizontalTeresa Blackburn

Everyone knows rice is a stellar side and main—but it also can lend a quite fantastic flavor to dessert. This warm pudding staring dried cherries and toasted almonds has a surprisingly velvety texture. Get the recipe here.

Dirty Rice

img_4829_webTeresa Blackburn

This rice dish is a New Orleans staple often served during Mardi Gras. Filled with all the spice and heat one might expect from Louisiana cuisine, this rice is far from mundane. Get the recipe here.

Thai Mango Sticky Rice Dessert

thai-mango-sticky-rice-relish-2Mark Boughton Photography / styling by Teresa Blackburn

Rice, mango and coconut are staple ingredients in Thai dishes. This sweet recipe combines all three. Get the recipe here.

Savory Brown Rice

img_0052_webTeresa Blackburn

This basic brown rice recipe is all about perfecting your rice-making techniques. Get the recipe here.

Quick Chicken and Rice

chicken_paella_89Karry Hosford

Paella is a traditionally Spanish dish cooked with seafood or chicken and spiked with saffron. For this simple variation, you will need an oven-safe skillet. Get the recipe here.

Easy Chicken and Rice Soup

easy-chicken-and-rice-soupMark Boughton Photography / styling by Teresa Blackburn

This simple chicken and rice soup is sure to satisfy in the cold winter months or during the dreaded flu season. It is easy to make, but requires several hours of simmering to achieve that complex flavor. Get the recipe here.

Quick Fried Rice

expatfriedriceChristopher Testani

This family-friendly, one-dish dinner recipe can be whipped up in under 30 minutes—making it ideal for busy weeknights. Get the recipe here.

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