Urban Wineries in Denver

Colorado may not be the first state one thinks of for wine, but vineyards are pushing viticulture boundaries and creating outstanding urban wineries.

Colorado may not be the first state one thinks of for wine, but vineyards are pushing viticulture boundaries and creating outstanding urban wineries.

Click here for the other episodes of WINERAM’s season and to discover more wine regions in the western United States.

For the season finale of Uncorked, Colin and the WINERAM crew head to Colorado to check out a state that isn’t necessarily the first place you think of when you think of wine in the United States. What the crew found is that this region has so much to offer and some amazing wine is coming out of Colorado, who seems to be pushing the boundaries of viticulture in cooler climates. On this adventure Colin stops at vineyards in Grand Junction before making his way into Denver to see what types of interesting things the urban winery The Infinite Monkey Theorem is cooking up. After these pit stops Colin heads out to Telluride with some professional skiers to try his hand at split boarding in the back country one last time.

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