Tips for Reducing Food Waste

From buying to storing and cooking food, check out these helpful tips to reducing your food waste.

From buying to storing and cooking food, check out these helpful tips to reducing your food waste.

The James Beard Foundation has put out a super helpful new book in honor of their namesake. James beard once said, “It is true thrift to use the best ingredeints available and to waste nothing.” Waste Not: How to Get the Most From Your Food – Recipes and Tips for Full-Use Cooking from America’s Best Chefs is the title of this creation and we love it. Featuring over 100 recipes and tips, this book is loaded with new kitchen hacks to put into practice and recipe to use to incorporate often tossed items.

Check out a few tips from the book:

1. Save the tops of root vegetables.
Use the tops of carrots, turnips or radishes to add some bitter flavors to your next batch of soup.

2. Save wilting herbs.
If fresh herbs are starting to wilt, puree them with oil and sore in the freezer until you are ready to use them.

3. Replant onion ends.
Instead of throwing away leek and scallion ends, plant them in a shallow cup of water until they start to sprout.

4. Save the pickle juice.
Once you finish a jar of pickles, save the liquid and throw random veggies you have in for a quick pickle brine.

5. Don’t throw out broccoli stems.
Save cut up broccoli stems in your freezer for smoothies or sauté them with butter and add to your next egg scramble.

Copyrighted by Waste Not by The James Beard Foundation, Rizzoli New York 2018. Photography copyrighted by Keirnan Monaghan and Theo Vamvounakis.

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