A Portable Charcuterie Picnic

Here are all the tips you need to have an easy and delicious charcuterie picnic.

PARTNER POST: Check out these easy entertaining tips for all your summer activities complete with charcuterie and pâté. This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Les Trois Petits Cochons.
Here are all the tips you need to have an easy and delicious charcuterie picnic.

A Portable Charcuterie Picnic

Picnics. Sometimes that word seems like nothing much more than wilted lettuce on sammies. Other times it seems overly intimidating – what to bring, how to make sure it doesn’t spoil…how can we not eat the same old watermelon and pasta salad for the 4th weekend in a row!? Not this year! We’re hitting the road (the park, the beach and heck, even an outdoor concert or two) this summer with a chic portable picnic charcuterie that is a snap to assemble and enjoy anywhere you want to go. Fancy finger foods don’t have to be enjoyed with the restrictions of sitting indoors on a wood board – let’s mobilize these vibrant flavors and let them out into the wild.

Here’s 5 easy steps to make your outing extra special!

A Portable Charcuterie Picnic

1. Get yourself setup with quality ingredients:

There are a lot of different options when it comes to putting together charcuterie. But there are definitely some staples to consider such as Jambon Sec, Saucisson Sec and Pâté. Oh and pickles! Always make sure there is something pickled or two in the mix – like cornichons and petite red peppers. By curating a thoughtful selection of quality ingredients to feature, you make the experience seem even more decadent! I used Les Trois Petits Cochons‘ products and was not let down.

2: Make your Pâté Pretty:

All you need are a few delicate details and a tiffin tin to be on your way to mastering portable Pâté. Where the flavors of this spread need no enhancement, a swoosh of dijon, a sprig of fresh herb, and a sprinkle of edible blooms can make this a feast for the eyes as well. I like to store an empty tiffin tin in the freezer overnight before filling, that way your Pâté will stay cool in transport!

A Portable Charcuterie Picnic

3. Forget the board, put it on a pick:

When you’re taking things on the go, the less to haul along the better (besides, you might want to save room for that bottle of wine). Create a charcuterie skewer stacked with different combinations of meats and pickles. I love to add a little extra detail to the arrangement by wrapping a cornichon with a thin slice of Jambon, making for the perfect bite!

A Portable Charcuterie Picnic

4. Package it all up in style and on a budget:

Don’t blow your budget on pricy picnic sets. Grab a basket from the craft store and fill it with your tiffin tins and a simple cafe carafe and glasses. Skip the triple thread count blankets and hit up the bulk bin at the fabric store to create a one-of-a-kind throw made from a few yards of fabric – which you can perfectly theme for your particular adventure. Be sure to pluck a bloom or two along the way to set the final scene.

5. Turn any location into a unique picnic experience:

Check out a new corner of your public park, or duck into the shade under the lifeguard tower! Perhaps there’s a sunset concert you’ve been planing or an afternoon out on the lake. No matter where your adventures take you (even if it’s just into your own backyard) there is no limit to the creativity of where to enjoy your Charcuterie masterpiece! Here’s to hitting the road and eating allllll the extra crackers.

A Portable Charcuterie Picnic

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