Gnocchi All’Arrabbiata

Dig into this delicious Gnocchi All’Arrabbiata recipe which is vegan, gluten-free, and easy to make.

PARTNER POST: Let Pomì’s premium quality, Italian tomatoes bring the fresh and healthful taste of Italy to your cooking, no matter the cuisine or season.
Dig into this delicious Gnocchi All’Arrabbiata recipe which is vegan, gluten-free, and easy to make.

Are you a fan of hearty and spicy sauces? If yes, keep reading. Because this Gnocchi All’Arrabbiata sauce recipe is going to be perfect for you. It’s hearty, spicy, fruity, and very tasty. The recipe is furthermore plant-based, gluten-free, and super easy to make. Making the sauce takes actually less than 20 minutes. Easy vegan dinner recipes that taste amazing are my fave and I bet yours too.

What do you prefer? Pasta or Gnocchi? I actually love both, however, lately I have been obsessed with Gnocchi. These cute mini “potato dumplings” are super tasty and versatile. You can buy store-bought Gnocchi or even make your own. I have been experimenting a lot with gluten-free Gnocchi recipes and recently came up with one protein-rich version that came out pretty amazing. I will need to make it one more time though, just to be sure that the recipe is really perfect.

The Gnocchi which you can see in this blog post are the homemade ones and I really like how they turned out. I will most likely share the recipe on my blog in the near future because I am pretty sure that some of you are interested in a homemade Gnocchi recipe that is vegan AND gluten-free. But until then you can use store-bought Gnocchi which taste great as well.

Like mentioned before, it takes less than 20 minutes to make this hearty, fruity All’Arrabbiata sauce. I’ve used Pomi’s Chopped Tomatoes which are not only organic but also made in Italy. And we all know that sun-ripened Italian tomatoes are the best. I really love their brand a lot and I can taste that the tomatoes are perfectly ripe and processed immediately after harvesting. This sauce is not only great for Gnocchi All’Arrabbiata, but it’s also amazing for pizza and pasta!

You most likely already have all ingredients at home to make this hearty Gnocchi All’Arrabbiata. The recipe is super simple and done fast. All you need is a package of Gnocchi, chopped tomatoes, a couple of condiments and a skillet. Easy peasy!

The recipe serves 2-4 (depending on how hungry you are). I managed to “devour” everything (which you can see in the photos) with my boyfriend in one sitting lol. It was sooo yummy! However, vegans always tend to eat quite a lot, at least we do, haha.

Click here for the recipe.

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