Eating Out – Cafe Las Chicas, Melbourne

Simple flavors made with quality ingredients make for a breakfast to die for at Las Chicas cafe in Melbourne.
Eating Out - Cafe Las Chicas, Melbourne Eating Out - Cafe Las Chicas, Melbourne

Simple flavors made with quality ingredients make for a breakfast to die for at Las Chicas cafe in Melbourne.
By Celeste Wong

Eating Out - Cafe Las Chicas, Melbourne

I love eating breakfast in Melbourne cafes. That’s something I sorely miss after moving to Adelaide. It’s not that Adelaide doesn’t have them – Adelaide just doesn’t have the extensive variety of cafes we do in Melbourne. And they also don’t offer the same quality of food. Le sigh.

Las Chicas was one such breakfast. A breakfast eaten so long ago that I have all but forgotten it. I remember it was the first time I was meeting brownie expert Barbara from BeesKnees Brownie and we had somehow chosen Las Chicas as our rendezvous point. (And if you have not tried her brownies before, you are missing out on something very important in life.)

I won’t go into detail what the breakfast dishes were, how they taste and such. It’s been too long and I think reviewing such a meal is unfair. Instead, look at the photo.

Such luxury! Simple flavours made with quality ingredients make for a breakfast to die for. I’d kill for good breakfasts like that in Adelaide – I guess the hunt continues! (Yes, I’ve been to East Terrace Continental, no, I’m not impressed. Sorry)

Las Chicas
03 9531 3699
203 Carlisle St
Balaclava, VIC 3183

Published on June 19 2013

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