Blueberry Sauced and Baked Ribs

It’s too cold to grill, so bake your ribs until sinfully tender with a blueberry barbecue sauce. It’s tangy, sweet, smoky, and totally finger-lickin’ good.

PARTNER POST: Be inspired this season to make little changes to your holiday menu by adding the merriest berry – blueberries — into your recipes.
It’s too cold to grill, so bake your ribs until sinfully tender with a blueberry barbecue sauce. It’s tangy, sweet, smoky, and totally finger-lickin’ good.
By Amy Dong

Blueberry Sauced and Baked Ribs

Enjoy mouthwatering fall-off-the-bone ribs anytime of year, even when it’s too chilly to grill outdoors. Blueberry Sauced and Baked Ribs are incredibly tender and succulent, with an amazing blueberry BBQ sauce!

I can’t believe we’re only a little over a week away from Thanksgiving. It signals the official start to the holiday season.

Turkeys and hams get all the glory this time of year, as do their partners: stuffing, mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes fill the spotlight.

As much as I adore turkey – I buy about three huge ones every November – there are those days that we just want something deliciously different on the dinner table. Years ago, a good friend invited a bunch of us over for a rib feast during winter season. It was such a blast, and that evening has been forever ingrained in my memories.

Blueberry Sauced and Baked Ribs

Since then, I almost always have a couple racks of ribs awaiting some oven-love during the colder months when outdoor grill has gone into hibernation.

The beauty of this recipe is that these ribs are done entirely in the oven; baked to tender, fall-off-the-bone perfection. No need for charcoal, grills, or tongs. Well, maybe tongs. But work gently, as the finished ribs are literally so tender that they will fall off the bones if not handled with care.

And what about the blueberry BBQ sauce?

Thank goodness frozen blueberries are available year-round. Yeah, we toss them into baked goods, smoothies, but it’s time to bring on the savory. Savory dishes are easily transformed into something special with a smattering of frozen blueberries.

Blueberry Sauced and Baked Ribs

A handful of frozen blueberries in your holiday dish makes a big difference in flavor. Plus, blueberries have the magical ability to make any dish just a little merrier. Merrier is good.

Here my favorite BBQ sauce is cooked down with a half cup of sweet, frozen blueberries. Follow the link here for this delicious recipe.

The blueberries give the smoky BBQ sauce that extra boost of fruity sweetness that helps offset the tang. The result is a thickened, tangy, sweet, smoky, and scrumptious sauce you’ll totally want to lick off your fingers.

All your friends will be thinking you slaved away for hours over this luscious blueberry BBQ sauce. {We won’t tell.}

And trust me – there won’t be a Single. Little. Rib. left on your party platter.

Here’s to a season of turkeys, hams, stuffings, and…ribs.

Be sure to enter to win a $500 gift card to create a holiday meal with some new delicious dishes.

Click here for more holiday inspiration with blueberries.

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