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Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

Sponsored Post: It’s the perfect time of the year to remember to be a little sweeter. Whether it’s dropping off dinner for a neighbor or bringing in a treat for your coworkers, let’s be sweet more often. We’ve partnered with the North Carolina SweetPotato Commission to bring you some sweet inspiration.
Loaded with crispy edges and caramelized sweet potato centers, this candied sweet potato casserole is a delicious side dish we can’t get enough of. Plus, enter below for a chance to WIN a Vitamix!

Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

Now that it’s officially November, the countdown to Thanksgiving is ON. And while I eat sweet potatoes a lot throughout the entire year, Thanksgiving is the one time I embrace the unhealthy way of making them. Yes, I’m talking about going all out with butter and sugar and whole lotta love.

My mom and I always make individually candied sweet potatoes together for Thanksgiving, but it’s quite time consuming to decorate each slice with the right little dab of butter and the perfect sprinkle of brown sugar. So I thought… what if I kept that same concept but made it easier?

I could talk about how sweet potatoes don’t need sugar, but Thanksgiving is the one day a year that goes out the window for me. YOLO, right?!

Candied Sweet Potato Casserole
Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE. And enter below for a chance to win a Vitamix for you and a Vitamix for a friend.

See Also
Sweet Potato, Kale and Goat Cheese Bites

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Candied Sweet Potato Casserole

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