Waste less in the kitchen and save money. Learn how to reliven your dried and wilted herbs.
Stale herbs? I can’t stand waste but I almost always end up with a wilting bunch of cilantro, parsley or other herbs. Whenever I buy herbs, I can’t finish it all in one week or two. So of course, everything wilts… Do you have the same problem? Luckily, I found a way to revive the wilted herbs from a friend.
Cold water shock!!
Sometimes your poor herb is beyond reviving but for most cases try this minimalist approach to revive stale herbs. It works like a charm.

How To Revive Those Wilted Herbs
- Wilted herbs such as cilantro or parsley
- Ice cubes
- cold water
- Start to perk herbs back up by cutting about ½? off the stems.
- Remove and discard any bruised or damaged black leaves.
- Make an ice bath to soak the bunch in it. The cold water shock brings the herbs back to life. The amount of soaking time varies, but you’ll know when they’re ready. The herbs will gradually look refreshed.
- Time will vary depending on the dryness of the herbs.
- Category: Tips