Review: Teamotions Wellness Tea

Marnely Rodriguez brews a couple of cups of Teamotions tea and gets an extra boost of energy
Teamotions Teamotions
Can specific tea blends lift your spirits and recharge your mood?

Marnely Rodriguez brews a couple of cups of Teamotions tea and gets an extra boost of energy.
By Marnely Rodriguez

Can specific tea blends lift your spirits and recharge your mood?

We’ve all been there: a troubled moment in life, a sad occasion, or simply just a instant in our day were we need a push. Our crazy work schedules, never ending meetings and countless events will take ultimately take their toll and this is where Teamotions come in.

Teamotions had a gray beginning, when one of their founders, Rachel, lost her twin daughters soon after birth. She’d find comfort in tea, but nothing seemed to soothe her. One day, her sister Crystal said “I wish there was something I could put in your tea to make you feel better” and that was the silver lining. Soon after, Teamotions was born.

Simply put, they are “teas for emotional well-being” and each infusion tackles an emotion and promotes wellness. Crystal Tenpenny and Rachel Crawford have researched adaptogen herbs and blended them with their handcrafted teas to achieve blends that cater to your every emotional need. Adaptogen herbs, although scientifically unproven, have been used by herbalists for centuries to balance the body’s immune system, as well as relieve stress among other things.

Teamotions come in 6 varieties:

Achieve Clarity – Vanilla Earl Grey

The only black tea from Teamotions, this one is mixed with the floral undertones of lavender and citrusy bergamot. Black tea will help you focus on the task at hand. When smelling the loose leaves, the floral competes shining through with the citrus. In the cup, a balance is achieved and perceived by the consumer.

Discover Joy – Lemon Vanilla Green Tea

What better way to “discover joy” than with lemon and vanillas as key ingredients? This is a great brew to drink on rainy mornings when you don’t even want to get out of bed, although sipping on this hot brew as is not my favorite, taste or aroma wise. It reminds me of a chewy candy I used to eat as a kind, called “Chalaca”. The memories are of sticky candy and the smell is nothing to what the tea suggests (lemon, vanilla, lemongrass, ginger). Personally, tested this blend mixed into on shortbread cookie dough and they definitely brought joy to friends and family!

Seek Peace – Rooibos Coconut Chai

The aroma of this tea is deliciously amazing. In addition to cardamom and ginger in this chai blend, Teamotions has added milk thistle in here. Milk thistle is an herb known for its detox abilities on the liver. Drinking this, you’ll feel healthier already. (Milk Thistle has been known to reduce the effect of birth control, so be sure to check with an expert before consuming it)

Have Hope – Citrus Strawberry White Tea

White tea is known for its copious amounts of antioxidants and this blend is geared towards restoring your hope by reliving anxiety. The delicate taste of white tea is elevated with notes of citrus and fruit, although the berry is most noticeable than the citrus.

Enjoy Rest – Apple Chamomile Cinnamon

Entire chamomile blooms, not powdered or bits and pieces, make up this blend. Caffeine free, perfect for inducing sleep, the cinnamon is felt and adds to this tea’s antioxidant qualities. Cinnamon has also been shown to improve insulin function and possess blood sugar lowering properties.

Find Strength – Passion Fruit Jasmine Green Tea

A natural anti-depressant, sipping on this will surely get your energy flowing. Just the smell of the passion fruit layered with jasmine makes you smile. Great as a hot beverage but even better as an iced drink. If you decide to make an iced tea, steep the leaves overnight in cool water, as to slowly release the flavors. Starting with hot water and then cooling green tea down results in a slighter bitter undertone.

Passionfruit Jasmine Green Tea

A product that finds its place in a market that lacked focus on emotional well-being, Teamotions will literally help fill a void or just give you that extra boast you need some days. Overall, the varieties have something to offer each palate, but my favorite? Have Hope – Citrus Strawberry White Tea. Because as the old Spanish adage says, “la esperanza es lo último que se pierde.”

Disclaimer: The author was sent samples of Teamotions free of charge; however, not monetarily compensated for a positive review. All views and opinions are her own and based on personal use and experience. The information presented is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.

What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (9) What do YOU think? Leave a comment! (9)
  1. What a heartwarming story behind this product…

    Would love to sample some of these, I’m a bit of a tea junkie. Love finding new ones, will keep an eye out for these!

  2. Didn’t know anything like this existed, would love to try it someday, being a doctor sometimes one feels skeptical about trying alternative products or recommending. But the warmth of how this is written is almost magical. Very good! Tea sounds appealing.

  3. Well, I’m a coffee girl first and foremost, but tea comes in at a close second! All, of these flavors sound lovely. Will definitely have to try some!

  4. Very Interesting! Learned a lot. My Mom is tea drinker, will turn her onto it. Marnely is a culinary wonder and so inspirational!! =)


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