Food Trucks in Adelaide: Sneaky Pickle

A new food truck on the streets of Adelaide, Australia serves up pulled pork burgers for cheap.
Sneaky Pickle Food Truck Sneaky Pickle Food Truck

A new food truck on the streets of Adelaide, Australia serves up pulled pork burgers for cheap.
By Celeste Wong
Sneaky Pickle Food Truck
Food trucks in Adelaide are becoming less and less uncommon, but are in no way in danger of losing their novelty cred. The minute I heard that a new food truck was on the streets of Adelaide, I made it my first priority to sink my teeth into their latest offerings.

In this case, it was Sneaky Pickle with their claim to fame with pickles and pulled pork that caught my attention.
Pulled pork burger, BBQ corn and pickles
For a simple $9 you receive the above: Pulled pork burger, BBQ corn and pickles. Nine dollars!? I couldn’t believe it. Often, $9 wouldn’t even get you a complete burger let alone one that came with corn and pickles. A-hah, Sneaky Pickle was already well on its way up in my heart!

Biting into the burger, you cannot but help marvelling at the juiciness of the pulled pork and the crunchy slaw. My one problem with the burger was how messy it was. Or maybe, I’m just a messy eater. I ended up having to hover in a rather unsightly manner over the little cardboard tray in order to catch any of my runaway pulled pork.

Still, you cannot deny that they are tasty and flavoursome burgers. Wash it down with BBQ corn and pickles, and I sat back happily satisfied. This combined with the lazy afternoon sun in Hindmarsh Square while I hid beneath the shady trees made for a very enjoyable lunch indeed. Would I go back? Next chance I get!

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