Coffee House Test – Fluid Coffee Bar

Fluid fluidly delivered great coffee and hosts what seems like a great spot to congregate.
Coffee House Test - Fluid Coffee Bar Coffee House Test - Fluid Coffee Bar

Fluid fluidly delivered great coffee and hosts what seems like a great spot to congregate.
By Bill Walsh

Coffee House Test - Fluid Coffee Bar

Subject: Fluid Coffee Bar
Location: Denver, CO
Free WiFi ? : yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

I’ve sat through many meetings in my life and a sad hallmark of the majority have been dreary locations and coffee not worth drinking. Quite often in these meetings I quietly wished that my surroundings were that of a vibrant, energetic space with easy access to great coffee.

Thankfully, my hopes were shared. In my past travels, I’ve found numerous coffee establishments that have constructed private meeting spaces within their borders that allow the average gaggle of folks to assemble in an electrifying space within mere feet of great coffee. In my travels around Denver, I found one such coffeehouse called the Fluid Coffee Bar. Located beneath Uptown Square Apartments, I had caught wind of the place due to its reputation of serving a good cup of Novo Coffee. The space inside is split into the normal cafe, with its vaulted ceilings and comfy seating, and the large wood tables and projector of the rentable meeting space off to the back.

Not in need of a meeting that day, I chose to ingest an espresso of Ojo de Agua and a clover of the Colombian San Sebastian. The espresso, pulled short-to-medium with a light brown crema, held notes of lime, seltzer, hibiscus, sugar, cocoa and rock salt, proving bright, zesty and sweet. The Colombian also triumphed in quality, smacking of molasses, pecan, multigrain bread, granola, fig and a little basil all within a light body.

All in all, Fluid fluidly delivered great coffee and hosts what seems like a great spot to congregate. If you happen to be in need of a meeting space in Denver or just a good cup of coffee, check out the Fluid Coffee Bar.

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