- 3/4 cup applesauce
- 1 cup fruit puree
- 1/2 oz powdered pectin
- 1 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- On a baking sheet, reduce applesauce in a 200F oven for 30 minutes
- Combine reduced applesauce and puree in a medium sauce pan.
- Combine pectin with 2 Tbsp of the sugar and whisk it into fruit puree β 4. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly
- Add half of the sugar and return to a boil, continue stirring
- Add remaining sugar, continue stirring, and return to a boil
- Stir in lemon juice
- Pour into set molds, or baking sheet, and set overnight
- Sprinkle with sugar and remove from molds, or turn out of pan and cut.
Prepare your baking sheet with pan spray and a light dusting of granulated sugar.
- Prep Time: 25 mins
- Cook Time: 10 mins